Coping with Traumatic Death

It is difficult to imagine the magnitude of pain associated with the traumatic death of a loved one. When someone is killed suddenly and violently, grief reactions of family and friends can be intense, complicated, and long lasting. If your loved one was killed in a substance impaired What Makes Traumatic/Sudden Death Different?

Every person’s grieving process is different.

driving crash you may feel angrier than you have ever felt and sadder than you ever thought possible. Included in this resource you will find

some suggestions that may help. However, keep in mind that even though your situation may share similarities with someone else, every person’s grieving process is different. Feeling Out of Control After a crash your world is changed. Your thoughts and feelings may be changing from minute to minute or hour by hour, and you could feel very out of control. You may even feel like you are “going crazy.” Grieving the death of your loved one can feel so overwhelming that you may question your own sanity. Because there is no way to prepare for this type of loss, many people find traumatic grief to be uncharted territory, which can be very unsettling. Worry About the Violent Nature of the Crash You may be worried about what happened to your loved one during and

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