K ako bi svojim gostima to- kom leta omogućio kon- takt sa poslovnim partnerima, prijateljima i porodicom, Etihad ervejz uveo je besplatan vaj-faj i mogućnost korišćenja ajpeda u prvoj i poslovnoj klasi na svim direktnim letovima iz Abu Dabi- ja za SAD. Na letovima Etihad er- vejza za SAD gosti premijum kla- se, uz piće dobrodošlice, od kabinske posade dobijaju vauče- re za korišćenje besplatnog vaj-faja tokom leta.
T o help keep guests in touch with work, friends and fami- ly, Etihad Airways has begun offer- ing First and Business Class guests free Wi-Fi and iPads on all US - bound flights from Abu Dhabi. Pre- mium Class guests on Etihad Air- ways flights to the US receive Wi-Fi vouchers from cabin crew with the onboard welcome drink. These vouchers provide free Wi-Fi for the duration of the flight. In addition to free Wi-Fi, Etihad has iPads available on all U.S.-bound flights for those that need them. Power and USB sockets at every seat will keep devices charged throughout the journey, so that guests can sit back, relax and enjoy hundreds of hours of inflight entertainment, in- cluding the latest movies, TV series, mu- sic, interactive games and seven chan- nels of live sports and news.
Pored vaj-faja, možete koristiti i ajped u prvoj i poslovnoj klasi Wi-Fi, you can also use iPads in first and business class Apart from accessing
Pored toga, na svim direktnim letovima za SAD Etihad svojim gostim nudi i ajped konektovan na internet. Struj- ne i USB utičnice na svakom sedištu obezbeđuju napaja- nje uređaju tokom putovanja. Putnici imaju priliku da se zavale u sedišta, opuste i uživaju u stotinama sati zabave na letu, uključujući najnovije filmove, TV serije, muziku, interaktivne igre i sedam kanala sa direktnim sportskim prenosima i vestima.
Biofuel - hot topic in global aviation Bio-gorivo, vruća tema u svetskoj avijaciji U Masdaru se trenutno sprovo- di jedinstven eksperiment – na poljoprivrednom dobru demon- strira se mogućnost upotrebe
A unique experiment is current- ly being conducted in Masdar. More precisely, farmland is being used to demonstrate the possibility of using sea water and manure to produce jet fuel. This is the flagship project of the “Consortium for Re- searching Bioenergy Sustainability”, which is being led by the Masdar In- stitute and has members that in- clude Etihad Airways, Boeing, Takrir, GE and Safran. This biomass will be collected in June, after acquiring a special type of oil from the seeds of the plants. It is planned for this oil to be refined into jet fuel and used for Etihad Airways flights.
morske vode i prirodnog đubriva za proizvodnju goriva za avione. U pitanju je vodeći projekat Konzorci- juma za istraživanje bioenergetske održivosti na čelu sa Masdar insti- tutom i članovima koji uključuju Etihad ervejz , Boing, Takrir, GE i Safran . Ova biomasa biće skuplja- na u junu, a nakon dobijanja po- sebnog ulja iz semena biljaka. Pla- nira se rafinizacija ulja u mlazno gorivo i korišćenje na letovima Eti- had ervejza .
Na pragu smo istorijske promene u svetskoj avijaciji
We’re on the threshold of historic
changes in world aviation
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