London Prva izložba selfija
London First exhibition of selfies
U 21. veku život bez selfija je nezamisliv. Snimamo ih svuda i u svim prilikama, a reč „selfi“ je čak 2013. dospela i u Oksfordski rečnik . Zato je u Londonu trenutno jedan od najatraktivnijih kulturnih događaja upravo prva izložba fotografija posvećena selfiju, koja je do kraja maja otvorena u Galeriji Sači . Ova jedinstvena postavka predstavlja hronološki prikaz autoportreta od renesanse do današnjih dana i potvrđuje preokupiranost čoveka da slikom zabeleži predstavu o sebi.
Life without selfies is unthinkable in the 21 st century. We shoot them everywhere and on all occasions, and the word “selfie” was even added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. That’s why one of the most attracti- ve cultural events taking place in London is the first photography exhibition dedicated to the phenomenon of the selfie, which runs until the end of May at the Saatchi Gallery. This unique exhibition presents the chrono- logy of self-portraits from the Renaissance to the present day, confirming man’s preoccu- pation with using picture forms to present his own image. Rome Italy, the world’s healthiest country If the latest research is to be believed, it seems that pasta and wine are the winning combination for a long and heal- thy life. Indeed, according to a global he- alth survey conducted by “Bloomberg”, Italy is the world’s healthiest country. It won this title by beating fierce competi- tion among 163 surveyed countries, wi- th the criteria including life expectancy, the mental and physical health of citizens, availability of fresh water etc. Thus Italians, who live to more than 80 on average, ha- ve better overall health than Americans, Canadians and Brits.
Er Srbija leti 9 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za London
Air Serbia flies 9 times a week from Belgrade to London
Rim Italija, najzdravija zemlja na svetu
Prag Češki festival piva Po ugledu na minhenski Oktoberfest , svake godine se u maju u češkoj prestonici, na prostoru Letenskog polja, održava festival piva. Na ovom svojevrsnom karnevalu češke pivare izlažu više od 80 različitih vrsta piva, dok stotine momaka i devojaka obučenih u tradicionalne narodne nošnje uveseljavaju i poslužuju posetioce iz svih krajeva sveta. Ove godine festival traje od 11. do 27. maja, a tokom manifestacije, osim u pivu, možete da uživate i u čuvenim češkim specijalitetima. Čini se da su pasta i vino dobitna kombinacija za dug i zdrav život. Naime, prema istraživanju o globalnom zdravlju, koje je sprovela agencija Bloomberg , Italija je najzdravija zemlja na svetu. Tu titulu ponela je u oštroj konkurenciji od 163 zemlje koje su bile obuhvaćene istraživanjem, a kao kriterijumi su razmatrani očekivani životni vek, mentalno i fizičko zdravlje građana, dostupnost sveže vode... Tako Italijani, koji u proseku žive više od 80 godina, imaju bolju zdravstvenu sliku od Amerikanaca, Kanađana i Engleza.
Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Rim
Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Rome
Prague Czech Beer Festival Following the example of Muni- ch’s “Oktoberfest“, the Czech capi- tal holds its own beer festival in the area of Letná Park (Letenské sady) every year in May. This carnival sees Czech breweries present more than 80 different types of beer, whi- le hundreds of boys and girls dres- sed in traditional costumes enter- tain and serve visitors from all over the world. This year’s festival runs from 11 th to 27 th May, and apart from beer you can also enjoy famo- us Czech specialities.
Er Srbija leti 10 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Prag
Air Serbia flies 10 times a week from Belgrade to Prague
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