Elevate May 2017 | Air Serbia

Podgorica Međunarodni sajam knjiga

Podgorica International Book Fair Books are cold but trusted friends, said So- crates long ago, and that is something that all lovers of the written word are well aware of. That’s also why many of them can hardly wait to visit the 12 th International Podgorica Fair of Books and Education, which takes pla- ce from 2 nd to 9 th May at the city’s “Delta City” shopping centre. Under the slogan “We have the world for you”, the fair will bring together hundreds of publishers from the region, wi- th Romania being the featured guest of ho- nour country. This year will again see awards presented for the publishing production and the best edition, while visitors can also expe- ct an interesting prize competition.

Knjige su hladni, ali pouzdani prijatelji, rekao je još davno Sokrat, a toga su i te kako svesni svi ljubitelji pisane reči. Zato će mnogi od njih jedva dočekati da posete 12. međunarodni podgorički sajam knjiga i obrazovanja, koji se održava od 2. do 9. maja u šoping molu Delta City . Pod sloganom Imamo svijet za tebe , sajam će okupiti na stotine izdavača iz regiona, a počasna zemlja gost biće Rumunija. I ove godine biće dodeljene nagrade za izdavačku produkciju i najbolju ediciju, a posetioce očekuje i interesantna nagradna igra. Atina Spektakl Depeche Mode Slavna britanska grupa Depeche Mode , koja je formirana još 1980. godine, u okviru svetske turneje održaće koncert u Atini 17. maja u parku Terra vibe . Publika će premijerno moći da čuje njihove pesme sa novog albuma Spirit , ali i stare svima dobro poznate hitove kao što su Personal Jesus , People are People , Walking in my Shoes ... U okviru predstojeće turneje, koja će se završiti koncertom u Rumuniji 23. jula, kultni bend održaće 32 koncerta u 21 državi.

Er Srbija leti 21 put nedeljno iz Beograda za Podgoricu

Air Serbia flies 21 times a week from Belgrade to Podgorica

Athens Depeche Mode Spectacular

Famous British band Depeche Mode, which was formed back in 1980, will hold a con- cert in Athens’Terra Vibe Park on 17 th May, as part of its latest world tour. This spectac- le will allow the audience to hear premie- re performances of songs from DM’s new album “Spirit”, and also traditional hits that everyone knows, such as “Personal Jesus”, “People are People”, “Walking in my Sho- es” etc. As part of the upcoming tour, whi- ch will culminate with a concert in Romania on 23 rd July, this iconic band will perform 32 concerts in 21 countries.

Er Srbija leti 9 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Atinu

Air Serbia flies 9 times a week from Belgrade to Athens

GO4TV, televizija skrojena baš po vašoj meri!

GO4TV - Television tailored precisely to suit you! All you need is a smart phone and an internet connection to watch anyt- hing you want anywhere in the world!

Potreban vam je samo pametan telefon i internet i sve što želi- te da gledate dostupno vam je svuda u svetu! Uz najgledanije TV

stanice iz regiona deo naše po- nude su i mnogi sportski, kul- turni, informativni, filmski i drugi specijalizovani kanali. Je- dinstveni smo, između osta- log, i po emitovanju pet novih RTS-ovih kanala čiji se progra- mi baziraju na najboljim pozo- rišnim predstavama srpskog teatra, prirodnim lepotama na- še zemlje, emisijama iz različi- tih oblasti nauke, umetnosti, ali i urbanog, etno i starogradskog zvuka. Pronađite GO4TV na Go - ogle Play ili iTunes App Storu i uverite se u kvalitet aplikacije.

Along with the most watched TV sta- tions in the region, our offering al- so includes many sports, culturale, in- formative, film and other specialised channels. We are also unique, among other things, in that we broadcast fi- ve new RTS channels, which have programmes based on the best the- atrical performances of Serbian the- atre, the natural beauty of our coun- try, various fields of sciences and the arts, and also urban, ethnic and old town sounds. Find GO4TV on Google Play or the iTunes App Store, and experience the quality of this application for yourself!

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