Elevate May 2017 | Air Serbia

NESRAZMERA Čovek voli da misli da je silan i neustrašiv. Valjda se iz tog osećaja i rađa sebičluk, posebno prema pri- rodi. Tek kad se nađemo pred ka- kvim prirodnim čudom, shvatamo koliko smo u stvari nemoćni, sla- bi i gotovo neprimetni pred ogro- mnim stenama i brdima, nepregled- nim šumama, snažnim vodopadima, razornim vetrovima... Naša je sreća, te ona svoju nadmoć retko pokazu- je. Najčešće je tu da nas zaseni, baš kao na ovoj slici. Pred vama je de- talj iz Nacionalnog parka Džošua tri koji se nalazi na jugoistoku američ- ke savezne države Kalifornija. Park zauzima oko 300.000 hektara i obu- hvata delove čak dve pustinje – Mo- have i Kolorado.


Man likes to think of himself as being mighty and fearless. Presumably it is that feeling that gives birth to selfishness, es- pecially towards nature. It is only when we find ourselves facing such natural won- ders that we comprehend how power- less we really are, how weak and almost imperceptible we are against huge rocks and hills, vast forests, powerful waterfalls, destructive winds etc. We are fortunate that she rarely chooses to show her su- periority. And she’s usually there to dazzle us, just like in this picture. In front of you is a detail from the Joshua Tree National Park, which is located in the southeast of the U.S. state of California. The park cov- ers an area of about 300,000 hectares and even includes parts of two deserts – Mo- jave and Colorado.

Fotografija / Photography: Getty Images

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