Najuticajnije srpske modne blogerke / Serbia’s most influential fashion bloggers
1. When did you launch your blog? I wrote my university dissertation on the topic “Marketing in fashion”, in which I fused the two topics that inter- ested me the most, and then I came across bloggings in 2009. I started my own so I could learn the most about blogging, then I slowly but surely entered the world of blogging. 2. Why did you choose a fashion blog? I initially wrote about fashion and music, but I only made a breakthrough when I presented my outfits and person- al style, because that is what is unique, what makes me different. 3. When and how did you fall in lo- ve with fashion? I’ve loved everything about fashion since I was a little girl. Although I didn’t want to be a model, I’ve always loved to have my photograph taken. I collected the most famous fashion magazines and loved to try on my mum’s high heels and clothes. 4. What is your main job? My main and only job now is social networks, so it could be said that I am an influencer; I’m active on Instagram, You- Tube, Facebook; my blog and all other networks where I present and write about fashion, but also about lifestyle, travel, beauty and care, healthy living, good res- taurants etc. 5. Can you make money from a fas- hion blog? I can, especially since I elevated my fashion blog to a higher level, and it pre- sents (my) way of life, and offers many oth- er topics besides fashion. Although the blog itself as a format is currently in the shadow of popular social networks that are much more instant, it is something I started from, and I would never neglect it or close it down. I am glad that I cov- er all networks.
Branislava Antović
1. Kad si pokrenula blog? 12. oktobra 2010. 2. Zašto baš modni blog? Tokom leta 2010. otkrila sam modne blogove (uglavnom ino- strane) i taj koncept mi je od prvog trenutka bio izuzetno interesantan i inspirativan. Volela sam prizeman način na koji su se blogeri bavili mo- dom, koja je predugo imala elitistič- ki karakter. To je zauvek promenje- no zahvaljujući modnom blogingu. 3. Kada i kako si se zaljubila u modu? Verovatno još onog trenutka ka- da sam, pokušavajući da dohvatim žuti Murin džemper koji mi je tata kupio, prohodala. 4. Koji je tvoj primarni posao? Blogovanje. 5. Može li da se zaradi od mod- nog bloga? Uz mnogo rada i truda, uz kva- litetan sadržaj, uz publiku koja će vam biti verna i uz kredibilitet koji je stvoren i potvrđen vremenom, od- govor svakako može biti potvrdan.
1. When did you launch your blog? 12 th October 2010. 2. Why did you choose a fashion blog? During the summer of 2010, I dis- covered fashion blogs (mostly foreign) and I found that concept very interest- ing and inspiring from the first moment. I liked the down-to-earth manner in which these bloggers dealt with fashion, which had had an elitist character for too long. That has changed forever thanks to fash- ion blogging. 3. When and how did you fall in lo- ve with fashion? Probably in the moment when, while trying to reach the yellow “Murin” sweat- er that my dad bought me, I walked for the first time. 4. What is your main job? Blogging. 5. Can you make money from a fas- hion blog? With a lot of work and effort, with qual- ity content, with an audience that will be faithful to you and with credibility creat- ed and confirmed over time, the answer can certainly be yes.
Anastasija Đurić
I fell in love with the down-to-earth manner in which these bloggers dealt with fashion, which had had an elitist character for too long Zaljubila sam se u prizeman način na koji su se blogeri bavili modom. Predugo je imala elitistički karakter
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