Slavni mostovi Venecije / Venice’s famous bridges
Svoju ljubav ovekovečite na ču- venom Mostu uzdaha, koji je, kažu, dobio ime po uzdasima zaljubljenih. Ako se par u gondoli poljubi ispod njega u zalazak sunca, dok zvone zvone Crkve Svetog Marka, ljubav će trajati zauvek. A istina je, kako to već obično biva u životu, sasvim drugačija i mnogo tragičnija. Most je napravio Antonio Kontino 1600. godine kako bi se stari zatvor, sme- šten u Duždevoj palati, povezao s novim, preko kanala. Veliki engle- ski romantičar lord Bajron ispričao je priču o uzdasima i tako proslavio ovaj mostić učinivši ga jednim od najpoznatijih na svetu u delu Puto- vanje Čajlda Harolda, u kojem piše: – Stajao sam u Veneciji, na Mostu uzdaha, palata i zatvor u istoj ruci… Šet- nja tim mostom bila je poslednji po- gled na slobodu za mnoge zatvoreni- ke koji su išli na pogubljenje i uzdisali gledajući svet poslednji put. Jedan od retkih koji je uspeo da pobegne od ta- kve sudbine bio je slavni Đakomo Ka- zanova, kome su u tom podvigu po- mogle, gle čuda, venecijanske dame.
Immortalise your love on the famous Bridge of Sighs, which is said to be named after the sighs of lovers. If a couple in love kiss while on a gondola beneath this bridge at sunset, while the bells of St. Mark’s Basil- ica are ringing, their love will endure eter- nally. But the truth, as is often the case in life, is quite different and much more trag- ic. The bridge was built by Antonio Con- tino in the year 1600 in order to connect the old prison, located in Doge’s Palace, with the new one, across a canal. The great English romantic Lord Byron, came up with the story of sighs and thus glorified this little bridge, making it one of the most famous in the world through his narrative poem“Childe Harold’s Pilgrim- age”, in which he wrote“I stood inVenice on the Bridge of Sighs, a palace and a prison on each hand”. Walking across that bridge was the last view of freedom for many pris- oners who were to be executed and who sighed as they saw the world for the last time. One of the few who managed to es- cape such a fate was the famous Giacomo Casanova, who was assisted in this under- taking by, lo and behold, Venetian ladies.
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