A t the point where the River Brenta empties into the Venice lagoon is located the city nicknamed La Se- renissima, the most important city of the Middle Ages, a city whose name has become synonymous with all cities built on canals. In Venice there are no wrong roads – they will all lead you in front of fairy-tale lace façades, carry you over more or less fa- mous bridges, and when you find yourself in a dead-end street, which happens often, on your way back you will discover façades that you didn’t spot the first time, divine windows that you will stop to take a picture of, gates etc. Whichever road you opt for, you will be awaited there by elegant lanterns and street lamps. Even if you don’t immediately notice the subtle lanterns, which merge with the façades during the day, you won’t be able to avoid seeing the fiery colours that glow from every window display. And that road leads to the nearby is- land of Murano. At the height of its power, in the Middle Ages, Venice became a meeting place for sci- ence and art. By imitating the artworks that arrived from the East and graced the rich Venetian palaces,Venetian artisans perfected the making of glass objects, especially with gilt and enamel work. However, under the
N a ušću reke Brente u Ve- necijansku lagunu sme- stio se Serenisima, naj- važniji grad srednjeg veka, grad čije je ime postalo sino- nim za sve gradove građene na ka- nalima. U Veneciji nema pogrešnog puta, svaki će vas provesti pored baj- kovitih čipkastih fasada, prevesti preko manje ili više poznatih mo- stova, a kad se nađete u slepoj uli- ci, što je često, u povratku ćete otkri- ti fasadu koju niste spazili prvi put, božanstveni prozor koji ćete zastati da fotografišete, kapiju… Za koji god put da se odlučite, na njemu će vas čekati elegantni fenjeri i ulične lam- pe. Čak i ako suptilne fenjere, koji se
tokom dana stapaju sa fasadama, ne primetite odmah, vatromet boja ko- ji pršti iz svakog izloga nećete mo- ći da ne vidite. I tu put vodi na susedno ostr- vo Murano. Na vrhuncu moći, u srednjem ve- ku, Venecija postaje stecište nauke i umetnosti. Imitirajući umetnička dela pristigla sa Istoka koja su kra- sila palate bogatih Mlečana, veneci- janske zanatlije postaju savršene u izradi predmeta od stakla, posebno pozlaćenih i emajliranih. Pod izgo- vorom opasnosti od požara u Vene- ciji 13. veka, tada pretežno izgrađe- noj od drveta, a u stvari radi čuvanja tajne duvanja i bojenja stakla, stakla-
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