Elevate May 2017 | Air Serbia

Živela je sa umetnicima, bili su joj ljubavnici, izdržavala ih je, mrzela, ali je njihova dela obožavala. Postala je prava boemska kraljica evropske umetnosti

She lived her life with artists, they were her lovers, she sustained them, hated them, but she adored their work. She became a real bohemian queen of European art

Tekst / Words: Aleksandra Držaić Fotografije / Photography: Gettyimages, iStock

A ko se nađete u Veneciji na pola puta između Crkve Santa Marija dela salute i Akademiji- nog mosta, tu, na Velikom kanalu, osetićete neverovatne vibracije u blizini palate Venier dei Leoni iz 18. veka. To je kuća Pegi Gugenhajm, sirote male bogataši- ce, zavodnice sa 1.000 ljubavnika i žene koja je oboža- vala skandale i koja je iznad svega volela kubizam, na- drealizam i ekspresionizam. Danas je tu njena kolekcija moderne umetnosti, otvorena za javnost. Margaret Pegi Gugenhajm rođena je u Njujorku 1898. u porodici milionera. Sve je imala, osim oca. Od njega je nasledila ljubav prema slikarstvu, aferama i godiš- nje izdržavanje od 22.500 dolara nakon što je Bendža- min Gugenhajm potonuo sa Titanikom . Mesto u čam- cu ustupio je svojoj ljubavnici. To je znao čitav Njujork i Pegina majka. Tako je Pegi sa samo 13 godina preživela prvi skan- dal, u kojem je bila samo posmatrač. Ostale je u živo- tu stvarala sama. I uživala je u tome. Preko svog rođaka, pis-

I f you find yourself in Venice, halfway between Santa Ma- ria della Salute Church and Accademia Bridge, there on the Grand Canal, you will feel incredible vibrations close to the 18 th -century Palazzo Venier dei Leoni. The House of Peggy Guggenheim, a poor little rich girl, a seducer with 1,000 lovers and a woman who adored scandals and who, more than anything, loved Cubism, Surrealism and Expressionism. Today it houses her collection of modern art, which is open to the public. Marguerite Peggy Guggenheim was born in New York in 1898 to a family of millionaires. She had everything but a fa- ther. She inherited from him her love of painting, scandals and an annual maintenance income of $22,500, after Benjamin Guggenheim went down with the Titanic – giving his place in a lifeboat to his mistress. The whole of New York knew that... as did Peggy’s mother. And so, at the age of just 13, Peggy survived her first scan- dal, in which she was merely an observer. She created the rest of the scandals in her life on her own… And she enjoyed do- ing so. Through her cousin, writ-

Pogled na venecijansko nebo kroz skulpturu Henrija Mura iz bašte Pegi Gugenhajm View of the Venice skyline through Henry Moore’s sculpture in Peggy Guggenheim’s garden

er and wannabe painter Har- old Loeb, Peggy became ac- quainted very early on with the generation of young Americans; that lost genera- tion about which Hemingway wrote. They were young artists who’d matured during World War I. She befriended famous writer F. Scott Fitzgerald and photographer Alfred Stieglitz. And Stiglitz introduced her to the world of Cezanne, Matis- se, Picasso... But what would Peggy do in New York, when art is cre- ated in France? She moved to Paris. There she got mar- ried, had an affair, divorced, gave birth to two children and bought paintings and sculp- tures. She had a brief rela- tionship with famous nov- elist and playwright Samuel Beckett. They spent only 12 days together, but Beckett succeeded in his intentions. He explained to her that she had to forget art as she knew it, to forget realism. And Peg- gy listened to him. “I very quickly knew

ca i slikara u pokušaju Ha- rolda Laba, Pegi se veoma rano upoznala sa genera- cijom mladih Amerikana- ca, onom izgubljenom, o kojoj je pisao Hemingvej. Bili su to mladi umetnici, koji su sazreli tokom Pr- vog svetskog rata. Sprija- teljila se sa slavnim piscem Frensisom Skotom Ficdže- raldom i fotografom Alfre- dom Štiglicem. A Štiglic ju je uveo u svet Sezana, Ma- tisa, Pikasa... Ali šta će Pegi u Njujor- ku kada umetnost nastaje u Francuskoj? Seli se u Pariz. Tamo se venčavala, varala supruge, razvodila, rodila dvoje dece i kupovala slike i skulpture. Imala je kratku vezu sa Semjuelom Beke- tom, slavnim piscem i dra- maturgom. Proveli su zajed- no samo 12 dana, ali Beket je uspeo u svojoj nameri. Obja- snio joj je da mora da zabo- ravi umetnost kakvu zna, da zaboravi realizam. I Pegi ga je poslušala.

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