Palata Pegi Gugenhajm Venier dei Leoni na Velikom kanalu Palazzo Peggy Guggenheim Venier Dei Leoni on Grand Canal
„Vrlo sam brzo znala gde se bilo koje platno mo- že naći u Evropi i otišla bih tamo, makar mi trebali sa- ti do tog gradića. Samo zbog jedne slike“, napisala je u jednoj od svojih autobiografija. Njen život dobio je novi cilj. Kupovaće jednu sli- ku na dan. Živela je sa umetnicima, bili su joj ljubavnici, iz- državala ih je, mrzela, ali je je njihova dela obožavala. Postala je prava boemska kraljica evropske umetnosti. Rat je 1940. godine kucao na vrata Evrope, a Pegi ni- je znala šta će sa kolekcijom. Molila je Luvr za pomoć. Odgovor ju je šokirao: slike su suviše moderne i ne za- služuju da budu sačuvane. Luvr je tog časa odbio Kan- dinskog, Mondrijanija, Miroa, Dalija, Brankuzija… Pegi je dela sklonila u jedan ambar kraj Višija i sa decom i tre- ćim suprugom i njegovom ljubavnicom otišla u Njujork. Vratila se u Evropu 1948. Učestvovala je sa svojom kolekcijom na Venecijanskom bijenalu. Opčinjena gra- dom, shvatila je da je to mesto za nju. Kupila je palatu Venier dei Leoni na Velikom kanalu i narednih 30 go- dina ostala u njoj. Nastavila je da pomaže umetnike. Upravo je ona ot- krila Džeksona Poloka. Videla ga je kako radi kao skro- mni stolar kod njenog strica. Napravila mu je veliku izložbu 1950. godine u svojoj kući u Veneciji. Samo je- dan njen pogled bio je dovoljan da svet upozna slikara koji je imao snažan uticaj na modernu umetnost 20. veka. Pegi nije želela da samo ona uživa u delima. Otvo- rila je vrata svoje kuće u Veneciji za posetioce 1951. go- dine, i to od aprila do oktobra. Živela je na Velikom kanalu, okružena lepotom i svo- jim psima, kojima je kupila plemićke titule i koji su po- stali njen zaštitni znak. Pegi je preminula 1979. Palata je tada postala deo Gugenhajmove porodice muzeja, a od 1985. otvorena je tokom svih 12 meseci godišnje. Ne radi samo utorkom i zatvorena je svakog 25. decembra. Osim kolekcije slavne Pegi, posetioci, kojih ima 400.000 godišnje, mogu da vide i deo palate u kojem je 30 go- dina živela žena koja je prkosila svima i bez koje savre- mena umetnost danas ne bi izgledala ovako.
where any painting could be found in Europe,” she wrote in one of her autobiographies, “and I would go there, even if it took me hours to get to that town, just because of one painting”. Her life gained a new objective. She would buy one pic- ture per day. She lived her life with artists, they were her lovers, she sus- tained them, hated them, but she adored their work. She be- came a real bohemian queen of European art. With war knocking on her door in Europe in 1940, Peggy didn’t know what to do with her collection. She begged the Louvre for assistance, and received a shocking answer: the pic- tures are too modern and don’t deserve to be saved. At that instant the Louvre refused Kandinsky, Mondrian, Miró, Dali, Brâncuși et al. Peggy hid the works in a barn near the town of Vichy and fled to New York with her children, her third hus- band and his mistress. She returned to Europe in 1948 and participated with her collection in the Venice Biennale. Fascinated by the city, she realised that this was the place for her. She bought the Pala- zzo Venier dei Leoni on the Grand Canal and remained there for the next 30 years. She continued assisting artists. She was the one who dis- covered Jackson Pollock. She saw him working for her uncle as a humble carpenter. She made a major exhibition for him in 1950 at her home in Venice. Just a glance from her was enough to introduce the world to a painter who would have a power- ful influence on modern art of the 20 th century. Peggy didn’t want to enjoy her works alone. She opened the doors of her Venice home to visitors in 1951, from April to October. She lived on the Grand Canal, surrounded by beauty and her dogs, for which she bought noble titles and which became her trademark. Peggy passed away in 1979. The Palazzo then be- came part of the Guggenheim family museum, and since 1985 it has been open to the public during all 12 months of the year – it is only closed on Tuesdays and every 25 th December. Apart from the famous Peggy’s collection, the 400,000 annual visitors can also see part of the palace that was the home for 30 years of a woman who defied everyone and without whom contem- porary art wouldn’t look the way it does today.
Pegi nije želela da samo ona uživa u delima. Otvorila je vrata
Peggy didn’t want to enjoy her works alone. She opened the doors of her Venice home to visitors in 1951 svoje kuće u Veneciji za posetioce 1951. godine
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