Elevate May 2017 | Air Serbia

Gradski vodič / City Guide



J azz Bašta has the charm of old pho- tos, the romance of French bistros and the warmth of a summerhouse that you’ve arranged to suit your own taste. Inside these dilapidated walls of a house built in 1877, every detail is worthy of your attention – from frames which you could easily imagine contain- ing pictures of some noble families from centuries past, to candlesticks on wood- en display cabinets, bird cages, flower ar- rangements that appear as though every individual flower has been specially select- ed, an old-fashioned bicycle that looks as though it was rolling along the cobble- stones of the city until recently. And it’s not just the retro ambiance that’s appealing, but also the quality of enjoying this gar- den – here people sip coffee and relax in silence during the day, while during the evenings they listen to the best live jazz band performances with a glass of wine.

azz Bašta ima šarm starih fo- tografija, romantičnih fran- cuskih bistroa i toplinu let- njikovca koji ste uredili baš

po svom ukusu. Među oronulim zi- dovima kuće sagrađene daleke 1877. svaki detalj zaslužuje vašu pažnju – od ramova u kojima biste lako zami- slili slike neke gospodske porodice iz prošlih vekova, preko svećnjaka na drvenim vitrinama, kaveza za pti- ce, cvetnih aranžmana koji izgleda- ju kao da je svaki cvet posebno oda- bran, pa do starinskog bicikla koji kao da se do malopre kotrljao po gradskoj kaldrmi. I nije samo am- bijent retro već i sam kvalitet uži- vanja u Bašti – tu se danju pijucka kafa i opušta u tišini, a uveče se uz čašu vina slušaju nastupi najboljih džez sastava.

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