LEGENDARY PANČEVO AIRPORT While preparations were underway to form the first international airport under Bežanija hill, the airfield near Pančevo began operating in 1923. It was actually a grazing meadow beside the road to the village of Jabuka. The Franko-Rumen Aeronautical Society received a permit from the Pančevo Senate to convert this meadow, measuring 500m x 500m, into a temporary “aeroplane station”. However, they insisted that the land still be used for grazing livestock, apart from “during the brief periods when an aeroplane is landing or taking off!” Still, the sheep did not prevent this airport from inscribing itself into the history of aviation. The Pančevo airport remains remembered as the location from which the first plane departed on a regular night-flight line. That historic flight took place on the night between 8 th and 9 th September 1923 on the route Paris-Vienna-Budapest-Pančevo- Bucharest-Constantinople . The flights were previously only conducted during daylight. That’s why runways at the airports in Pančevo and Bucharest were fixed with lights and two strong spotlights that illuminated the runway. Those were the first terrestrial navigation devices for the first night flying air traffic in the world, but also the first link of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes with the rest of the planet.
Legendarni pančevački aerodrom Dok se pripremao prvi međunarodni aerodrom pod bežanijskim brdom, u blizini Pančeva 1923. počelo je da radi letilište, koje je zapravo bilo pašnjak uz put ka selu Jabuka. Vazduhoplovno društvo Franko–Rumen dobilo je od Senata Pančeva dozvolu da se livada veličine 500 x 500 metara pretvori u privremenu „aeroplansku stanicu“. Međutim, zahtevali su da se teren i dalje koristi za ispašu stoke osim „za ono kratko vreme dok se aeroplan spušta ili diže“! Pa ipak, ovce nisu sprečile ovaj aerodrom da se upiše u istoriju vazduhoplovstva. Pančevački aerodrom ostao je upamćen pošto je s njega poleteo prvi avion na redovnoj noćnoj liniji. Taj istorijski let dogodio se u noći između 8. i 9. septembra 1923. godine na liniji Pariz–Beč–Budimpešta–Pančevo–Bukurešt– Carigrad. U to vreme letelo se samo danju. Zato su duž staza na aerodromima u Pančevu i Bukureštu postavljena svetla i dva jaka reflektora koji su osvetljavali pistu. To su bili prvi zemaljski navigacijski uređaji za prve noćne letove vazdušnog saobraćaja u svetu, ali i prva veza Kraljevine SHS sa ostatkom planete.
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