Elevate November 2020 | Air Serbia




Ohridsko jezero je jedno od najstarijih, najvećih i najdubljih evropskih jezera / Lake Ohrid is among Europe's oldest, largest and deepest lakes

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Ohrid - Jerusalem of the Balkans

Ohrid – Jerusalim na Balkanu

Ohrid earned the nickname of the Je- rusalem of the Balkans as one of the oldest cities in Europe, which was once considered an epicentre of re- ligion and Slavic culture. Its histo- ry is evident in every building of the old town. However, it is Lake Ohrid that makes this city a unique gem. It is ranked among Europe's oldest and deepest lakes, which is why it has the prestigious status of a site of cultur- al and natural heritage under the pro- tection of UNESCO. The architectural layout of Ohrid is fascinating, filled as it is with monasteries, fortresses and castles. Some buildings date back as far as 200 BC, including the an- cient city amphitheatre, which once hosted gladiator contests. There's no doubt that Ohrid's a tourist treas- ure trove that's just waiting to be dis- covered.

Ohrid je nadimak Jerusalim na Bal- kanu stekao kao jedan od najstarijih gradova u Evropi, a nekada je sma- tran epicentrom religije i slovenske kulture. Njegova istorija je očigled- na u svakoj zgradi starog grada. Međutim, Ohridsko jezero je ono što grad čini jedinstvenim draguljem. Spada među najstarija i najdublja evropska jezera, zbog čega ima pre- stižni status kulturne i prirodne ba- štine pod zaštitom Uneska. Fasci- nantan je arhitektonski raspored Ohrida, prepun manastira, tvrđava i zamkova. Neka zdanja datiraju iz 200. godine pre nove ere, uključuju- ći i drevno gradsko pozorište, u ko- jem su nekada održavane borbe gla- dijatora. Nema sumnje da je Ohrid turistička riznica koja samo čeka da bude otkrivena.

Spektakularni pejzaži, istorija, arhitektura i bogatstvo mediteranske i turske kuhinje / Spectacular landscapes, history, architecture and the richness of Mediterranean and Turkish cuisine

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