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70 min
Prema legendi, nakon velike suše iz vrleti Velebita spustila se Crna kraljica i uz siloviti vetar i grmljavinu sručila se kiša, koja je padala toliko dugo da su se stvorila jezera / According to legend, the Black Queen descended from the Velebit cliffs following a great drought and, with a strong wind and thunderstorm, brought rain that fell for so long that these lakes were formed
Plitvice - magic of the Black Queen The Plitvice Lakes represent one of the most beautiful natu- ral monuments anywhere in Bal- kans, which have been includ- ed on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites since 1979. The lakes are fed by waters from lo- cal mountain streams that ini- tially flow into the highest lake, Prošćansko Lake, and head from there through 12 Upper and 4 Lower lakes, over waterfalls, rap- ids and cascades, until leaving the lowest lake and continuing along the River Korana. Apart from beautiful turquoise and crystal clear mountain lakes, this area also boasts the largest wa- terfall in Croatia, the Great Wa- terfall, Veliki Slap (78m), while the forests around the lakes are inhabited by brown bears, lynxes and wolves.
Plitvice - magija Crne kraljice Plitvička jezera su jedan od najlepših spomenika prirode na čitavom Balkanu, od 1979. se nalaze i na listi Uneskove baštine. Jezera se vodom hrane od lokalnih planinskih vodotoka koji se ulivaju u najviše
Prošćansko jezero i odatle kreće njen put kroz 12 gornjih i četiri donja jezera preko vodopada, brzaka i slapova, sve dok iz najnižeg jezera ne nastavi svoj put kroz reku Koranu. Osim prelepih tirkiznih i bistrih planinskih jezera, ovde se nalazi najveći vodopad u Hrvatskoj – Veliki slap (78 metara), a šume oko jezera nastanjuju mrki medved, ris i vuk.
Avanturisti Plitvice treba da posete zimi, kad se zamrznu slapovi i jezera / Adventurers should visit Plitvice during winter, when the waterfalls and lakes freeze over
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