Elevate November 2020 | Air Serbia

Razglednica /Postcard

AMSTERDAM  AMSTERDAM Parada za decu i odrasle Svakog novembra Sinterklas, holandska verzija Svetog Nikole, putuje iz Španije do Holandije noseći poklone za decu. Dan nakon dolaska tradicionalno učestvuje na paradi kroz Amsterdam, koja se ove go- dine održava 15. novembra. Sinterklas vole i deca i odrasli, a dokaz za to je da ovaj događaj svake godine isprati više od 200.000 posetilaca. On ulazi u grad plo- veći rekom Amstel dok mu ljudi mašu po- kraj kanala, a vodena parada završava se u Pomorskom muzeju, gde Sinterklasa dočekuje gradonačelnik Amsterdama. PARADE FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Sinterklaas, the Dutch version of Saint Ni- cholas, travels from Spain to the Nether- lands every November, bringing gifts for children. A day after his arrival, he traditio- nally participates in a parade through Am- sterdam, which is this year being held on 15 th November. Sinterklaas is loved by both children and adults alike, proof of which can be found in the fact that this event is attended annually by more than 200,000 visitors. He enters the city by sailing along the Amstel, with people waving to him along the length of the canal, until this wa- terborne parade ends at the Maritime Mu- seum, where Sinterklaas is welcomed by the mayor of Amsterdam.


NJUJORK  NEW YORK Proslavite Dan zahvalnosti u Njujorku Njujork u novembru znači da je vreme za proslavu Dana zahvalnosti i Crnog petka. Učestvujte u pravoj američkoj tradiciji sa ćuretinom i tortom od sira. Idite na para- du koja se takođe prenosi uživo na televizi- ji (kanal NBC), a odmah toga uživajte u još jednoj tradiciji Dana Zahvalnosti - Nacio- nalnoj izložbi pasa. Posle večere, običaj je gledanje filmova (kod kuće ili u bioskopu). Budući da je većina pozorišta i muzeja za- tvorena na Dan zahvalnosti, možete oče- kivati da veče bude mirnije i sporije nego obično. A jutro počinje sa Crnim petkom i šoping popustima. CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING IN NY New York in November means it’s time to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Black Fri- day. Take part in the real American traditi- on of Thanksgiving with turkey and cheese- cake. Attend the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! It’s also live on TV (NBC). The pa- rade is immediately followed by another Thanksgiving institution: the National Dog Show. Watching movies (either at home or in the cinema) is a popular post-Thanksgi- ving dinner tradition. Given that the majo- rity of Broadway shows and museums are closed on Thanksgiving Day, you can expe- ct the evening to be quieter and more le- isurely than usual. And you can start your Black Friday shopping as early as Thanksgi- ving evening.

I belgijska prestonica rešila je obeleži 250 godina od rođenja Ludviga van Betovena. Tako je do januara naredne godine u Bri- selu u centru za likovnu umetnost BOZAR otvorena izložba Hotel Betoven o njego- voj muzici i idejama. Izložba pokreće pi- tanje da li umetnost može da promeni način na koji slušamo, ako već može da promeni način na koji vidimo svet. Pred- stavlja muziku koja putuje kroz različita doba i gledišta, pa odložite kofer i poseti- te je ako se već zateknete u Briselu. HOTEL BEETHOVEN The Belgian capital is the latest city to opt to commemorate the 250 th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven, wi- th an exhibition about his music and ideas, entitled “Hotel Beethoven”, open at the ci- ty’s BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts until Janu- ary 2021. The exhibition poses the questi- on of whether art can change the way we listen to the world, given that it can alre- ady change the way we see it. The exhibi- tion represents music that journeys thro- ugh time, covering different ages and perspectives, so put aside your suitcase and pay it a visit if you happen to find yo- urself in Brussels.

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