Elevate November 2020 | Air Serbia


Male stepenice Male stepenice urađene su od kersantita, zelenog kamena iz Ripnja, i predstavljaju jedan od najznačajnijih objekata parkovske arhitektu- re kod nas. Urađene su u neobaroknom stilu sa centralno postavljenim tondom sa lavljom glavom iz koje ide voda. Pre dve godine su obnov- ljene i za tu priliku je Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Grada Beo- grada ponovo otvorio kamenolom u Ripnju.

SMALL STAIRCASE The Small Staircase is made of green kerantite granite from Ripanj and represents one of our country’s most important objects of park architecture. Created in a Neo-Baroque style, it has a centrally placed facade featuring a drinking fountain decorated with a lion’s head. These steps were renovated two years ago, and the need for stone prompted the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade to reopen the quarry in Ripanj.

Fotografije/Photography: Aleksandar Slavković

56 | Arhitektura » Architecture

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