Elevate November 2020 | Air Serbia

OSTROZUB PLANINA Located to the southeast of Vlasotince, the Zeleničje Nature Reserve is situated on its south-western side, near the village of Bistrica. Here you are awaited by tranquillity and nature that still hasn’t been destroyed by human hand. Young birch trees with trunks as white as snow, vast meadows, coniferous forests, beech trees dotted with yellow leaves... You will also pass through the village named after the mountain, Ostrozub, which belongs to the municipality of Crnotrava and is sparsely inhabited. PEŠAČKE TURE  HIKING TOURS 1 Planina Ostrozub Smeštena je jugoistočno od Vlasotinca, a sa njene jugozapadne strane, u blizini sela Bistrica, nalazi se rezervat prirode Zeleničje . Tu vas čekaju mir i priroda koju ljudska ruka još nije uništila. Mlade breze stabala belih kao sneg, prostrane livade, šume četinara, bukovo drveće prošarano žutim li- šćem... Proći ćete i kroz istoimeno selo Ostrozub, koje pripada crnotrav- skoj opštini i u kojem nema mnogo stanovnika. PREPORUKA  RECOMMENDATION


PRIRODNE LEPOTE, NETAKNUTA MESTA I RETKE BILJNE I životinjske vrste krase jug Sr- bije. Malo je onih koji znaju da u ovom regionu ima čak 18 zaštićenih područja, a kažu da će ih bi- ti još više jer je jedan od centara balkanskog biodi- verziteta. Ali nisu samo prirodne lepote ono što daje draž ovom kraju. Samo još u južnjačkim selima može- te videti kako se u 21. veku pere veš u reci ili kako izgleda život u mestima sa svega nekoliko stanov- nika, koji potpunog neznaca dočekuju kao najbli- ži rod. U obilazak juga možete da krenete iz Niša, Pi- rota, Vlasotinca ili Leskovca. Svi ovi gradovi uda- ljeni su više od 200 kilometra od Beograda, sa ko- jim su povezani dobrom putnom infrastrukturom. Tokom ove avanture napravite plan jer ima mnogo toga da se obiđe, a moja preporuka je da obavezno

odete do planine Ostrozub, Čemer- nika i posetite Vla- sinsko jezero, Suvu planinu i kanjon re- ke Jerme. SOUTHERN SERBIA IS AWASH WITH SITES OF NATURAL beauty, pristine areas and ra- re species of plants and animals. Not many people know that this region has as many as 18 protected areas, and it is said that there will be even more in the fu- ture, as this is one of the main centres of Balkan biodiversity. But it isn’t only natural beauty that gives this area its

U obilazak juga možete da krenete iz Niša, Pirota, Vlasotinca ili Leskovca / You can start your tour of the south from Niš, Pirot, Vlasotince or Leskovac

Do Ostrozuba Automobilom se kreće iz Vla- sotinca do sela Bistrica, što je oko 12 km. Odatle počinje pe- šačka tura do Ostrozupske čuke, koji se nalazi na 1.546m nadmorske visine. Staza je du- ga oko 10 km, a proći ćete kroz rezervat prirode Zeleničje . TO OSTROZUB The tour starts by car from Vlasotince to the village of Bistrica, covering a distance of about 12 km. And from there begins the hiking tour to Ostrozupska čuka, which is located at an elevation of 1,546 metres above sea-level. The trail is around 10 km long, and along the way you will pass through the Zeleničje Nature Reserve.

Do vrha Morič Ova staza duga je oko 10 kilo- metara, a polazi se iz Vlaso- tinca. Staza prolazi dolinom Kameničkog potoka, a put vo- di do vrha Moriča, koji se na- lazi na 877 metara nadmor- ske visine. TO THE MORIČ PEAK This hiking trail is around 10 km long and sets out from Vlasotince. The trail passes through the valley of the Kamenički Stream, while the road leads to the peak of Morič, which is located at an elevation of 877 metres above sea-level.

charm. It is only in the villages of the south that you can see, in the 21 st century, how locals wash their laun- dry in the river or what life looks like in places that have only a few inhabitants, who welcome complete strangers as they would their closest family members. You can start your tour of the south from Niš, Pirot, Vlasotince or Leskovac. All these cities are located more than 200 kilometres from Belgrade, to which they are connected via good road infrastructure. Devise a plan for your adventure, because there’s lots to visit, and I would recommend that you consider it obligatory to head to Ostrozub Mountain, Čemernik, with a visit to Lake Vlasina, Suva planina and the canyon of the river Jerma.

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