Elevate August 2020 | Air Serbia


TRI PITANJA ZA SLOBODANA SIMOVIĆA, KOPILOTA Kako nam putovanja mogu pomoći u ovoj situaciji da vedrije gledamo na stvari? – Putovanja su veliko bogatstvo koje oplemenjuje čove- ka. Ona donose nova iskustva i uspomene i nadam se da će- mo uskoro moći da putujemo bez ograničenja. Koji je najlepši prizor iz vaše kancelarije na nebu? – Piloti vrlo često govore da imaju kancelariju sa najlep- šim pogledom na svetu. Kada letite, možete videti sve lepo- te naše planete iz ptičje perspektive. Prizori ponekad mo- gu biti zaista neizrecivo lepi, a oni koji će mi ostati u sećanju su prirodne lepote Norveške, kada smo prošle godine ima- li čarter-let za Molde, mali grad na obali. Mešavina fjordova, planinskih jezera, zaravni, brda i mora prevladavala je pej- zažom, sa bojama koje samo priroda može da pomeša. Šta je najlepša strana pilotskog života? – Najlepša strana našeg života je to što su piloti u prili- ci da češće upoznaju nove ljude i kulture. Ali s obzirom na to da je većina naših linija koncipirana tako da se, kada sletimo, uglavnom u periodu do jednog časa vraćamo u Beograd, ne postoji tako mnogo prilika da ostanemo u nekoj drugoj zem- lji. Čarter-letovi na kojima se ostaje na destinaciji nam daju priliku da iskusimo nešto novo.


How can travel help us look at things more cheerfully in this situation? - Travel is a great wealth that greatly ennobles a person. Tra- vel brings new experiences and memories, and I hope that we’ll soon be able to travel without restrictions. What’s the most beautiful scene you see from the sky? - Pilots say very often that they have the office with the most beautiful view in the world. When you fly you can see all the beauty of our planet from a bird’s eye view. The scenes can sometimes be really indescribably beautiful, and those that will remain in my memory are the beautiful natural areas of Norway, when we flew a charter flight to a small town on the coast in Mo- lde last year. A combination of fjords, mountain lakes, plateaus, hills and the sea dominated the entire landscape, with a multi- tude of colours that only nature can mix. What is the most beautiful side of a pilot’s life? - The most beautiful side of our life is that pilots more often have opportunities to meet new people and cultures. But con- sidering that most of our routes are designed in such a way that when we land somewhere we usually return to Belgrade within an hour, there aren’t that many opportunities to stay longer in another country. Charter flights, which remain at the destinati- on, give us the opportunity to experience something new.

Piloti vrlo često govore da imaju kancelariju sa najlepšim pogledom na svetu / Pilots say very often that they have the office with the most beautiful view in the world

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