Elevate August 2020 | Air Serbia


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Gde se nalazi: Square du Vert Galant, 75001 Paris / Where is it? Square du Vert Galant, 75001 Paris

Ne postoji romantičniji način da upoznate Pariz nego sa broda koji plovi Senom. Uživajte u pa- riskim spomenicima i mostovima izbliza u opu- štajućoj vožnji brodom, koja traje između dva sata i šest sati. Brodići nude sve, od razgledanja uz komentare do čaše šampanjca ili gurmanskog obroka po- služenog na belom stolnjaku. Ako nešto ne treba propustiti tokom boravka u Parizu, onda ne treba propustiti ovu vožnju u oba smera. Dok se vozite, divićete se najvećim gradskim atrakcijama, uključujući Notrdam, Grand pale i Ajfelov toranj. To je prestižna po- vorka neverovatnih znamenitosti, zbog čega je vožnja Senom jedinstveno putovanje. Divite se gradu ploveći rekom / Admire the city from the perspective of the river

There’s no more romantic way to get acquainted with Par- is than from the vantage point of a boat on the Seine—and there’re plenty of boats on offer. Check out Paris’s many monu- ments and bridges up close, on a leisurely boat ride lasting an- ywhere between two and six hours. The fly boats provide passengers with everything they need, from sightseeing with commentary to a glass of Champagne, or even a gourmet meal served on white linen. If there’s an excursion that’s sim- ply a must in Paris, then it sim- ply must be one along the River Seine, aboard one of the many

Proverite kompanije onlajn ili posetite Pont Nuf kao jednu od najboljih stanica Check out companies online or head to Pont Neuf for one of the best stations

boats that navigate up and down between the banks! As you glide by, you’ll marvel at the city’s finest monuments and edifices, including No- tre-Dame, the Conciergerie, the Grand Palais and the Eiffel Tower; a prestigious procession of amaz- ing sights that makes this tour unique.

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