Er Srbija vesti Air Serbia News
BEOGRAD PREDSTAVLJA SAVRŠEN SPOJ ZABAVE, KUL TURE I UMETNOSTI i ima mnogo toga da ponudi, pa su u Er Srbiji poželeli da spoje lepo sa korisnim i pokrenu projekat Keep Boarding . – Ideja nam je da u isto vreme putnicima pružimo kompletan doživljaj putovanja po ceni avio-karte, učinimo Beograd do- stupnijim, ali i da doprinesemo bržem oporavku turističkog sektora i jačanju ekonomske aktivnosti glavnog grada – kaže Tea Čakić, specijalista za event i trejd marketing. VIŠE POGODNOSTI UZ BORDING KARTU Keep Boarding je program koji putnicima Er Srbije koji putuju do Beograda omogućava da uz svoju bording kartu ostvare različite popuste na hotelski smeštaj, restorane, kafiće, usluge prevoza i turističke atrakcije
MORE BENEFITS WITH YOUR BOARDING PASS „Keep Boarding“ is a programme that allows Air Serbia passengers travelling to Belgrade to receive various discounts on hotel accommodation, restaurants, cafes, transportation services and tourist attractions by showing their boarding pass BELGRADE REPRESENTS A PERFECT COMBINATION OF ENTERTAINMENT , culture and art, and is a city that has a lot to offer, which is why Air Serbia wanted to combine the beautiful with the useful by launching its “Keep Boarding” programme. “Our idea is for passengers to simultaneously provide their bo- arding pass with a complete travel experience at the price of an air ticket and make Belgrade more accessible, but also to contribute to accelerating the recovery of the tourism sector
Tea Čakić specijalista za event i trejd marketing/ Trade and Event
Marketing Specialist
and strengthening the capital‘s econo- mic activity,” says Air Serbia Trade and Event Marketing Specialist Tea Čakić. The idea is for everyone travelling to Bel- grade to be able to use their boarding card to receive various discounts on ho- tel accommodation, restaurants, cafe- bars, transportation services and tourist attractions, with the discounts applied when the passenger presents their boar- ding pass and a form of an ID document within seven days of arriving in Belgrade. “Discounts on services are calculated at the point of sale. The passenger then re- tains their boarding card and can use it as many times as they want with any of our partners. Passengers can get informed
Ideja je da svi koji putuju do Beogra- da uz svoju bording kartu ostvare ra- zličite popuste na hotelski smeštaj, restorane, kafiće, usluge prevo- za i turističke atrakcije, a popusti se ostvaruju tako što putnik pokaže svo- ju bording kartu zajedno sa ličnim dokumentom u roku od sedam dana po dolasku u Beograd. – Popust na uslugu obračunava se na samom prodajnom mestu. Put- nik nakon toga zadržava svoju bor- ding kartu i može da je iskoristi koli- ko god puta želi kod bilo kojeg našeg partnera. Putnici se mogu informisati
o programu na našoj Keep Boarding stranici, na kojoj se na- lazi lista svih naših partnera podeljenih po kategorijama, kao i popusti koji nude putnicima Er Srbije . Popusti se kreću od pet do 25 odsto, ali neki partneri pojedine usluge nude i pot- puno besplatno – objašnjava Tea Čakić. Program je aktivan od kraja jula, a u narednoj fazi plan je da se proširi i na čitavu Srbiju. Svi uključeni partneri identifiko- vani su na osnovu različitih istraživanja – to su oni koji su se tokom dugog niza godina pokazali kao najinteresantniji za turiste. – Korisnici programa imaju na raspolaganju hotele sa odlič- nom uslugom, tradicionalne i internacionalne restorane, ne- koliko muzeja i poznatih kafića, kao i transportne usluge. Tru- dili smo se da ponuda bude raznolika i da svaki putnik koji dođe u Beograd može da nađe nešto za sebe. Radujemo se novim partnerima i širenju našeg programa – zaključuje na- ša sagovornica.
about the programme on our “Keep Boarding” web page, which includes a list of all our partners, divided into categories, as well as the discounts offered to Air Serbia passengers. Discounts range from 5 to 25 per cent, while some partners also offer cer- tain services completely free of charge,” explains Tea Čakić. The programme has been active since the end of July, and the plan is to extend the programme to encompass the entire co- untry in the next phase. All partners included were identified on the basis of various research – these are the ones that have proven the most interesting to tourists. “Users of the programme have at their disposal hotels with ex- cellent services, traditional and international restaurants, se- veral museums and famous cafe-bars, as well as transportati- on services. We’ve tried to make the offer diverse and ensure that every traveller coming to Belgrade can find something for themselves. We are looking forward to new partnerships and explanding,” concludes our interlocutor.
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