Elevate August 2020 | Air Serbia



AIR SERBIA HAS LAUNCHED ITS FLIGHT Pass proje- ct, which allows passengers to purchase multiple flights in advance at the best prices. Passengers can save up to 50% by purchasing a Flight Pass on the official website of the Serbian national airline and devising a personalised group of prepaid flights. The new concept enables the purchase of a mini- mum of four flight tickets in advance, at a set price and with a fixed destination, which can be used whenever it suits the passenger, representing a significant bene- fit, particularly for companies. The Flight Pass can also be shared with family member and friends, while an additi- onal benefit comes in the form of the option to pay in in- stalments. “The needs of our passengers represent the priority that guides our operations, so we wanted to let them ha- ve the freedom to create their own offer that works best Passengers can save up to 50% by purchasing a Flight Pass on the official website of the Serbian national airline and devising a personalised group of prepaid flights FLIGHT PASS NEW AIR SERBIA SERVICE

ER SRBIJA JE POKRENULA PROJEKAT FLIGHT Pass (pro- pusnica za let) da bi putnicima omogućila da po najpo- voljnijim cenama uplate više letova unapred. Kupovi- nom propusnice za let putem zvaničnog sajta nacionalne avio-kompanije putnici mogu ostvariti uštedu i do 50 od- sto pravljenjem svoje personalizovane grupe unapred plaćenih letova. Novi koncept omogućava kupovinu minimum četiri avio-karte unapred sa zagarantovanom cenom i destinaci- jom, a koje se mogu iskoristiti kad god putnicima odgovara, što predstavlja značajnu pogodnost, naročito za kompani- je. Propusnicu za let putnik može deliti i sa članovima poro- dice i prijateljima, a dodatnu prednost predstavlja moguć- nost plaćanja u ratama. – Potrebe naših putnika predstavljaju prioritet kojim se vodimo u poslovanju, pa smo želeli da im pružimo slobo- du da sami kreiraju ponudu koja im naj- Kupovinom propusnice za let putem zvaničnog sajta Er Srbije putnici mogu ostvariti uštedu i do 50 odsto pravljenjem svoje personalizovane grupe unapred plaćenih letova

Tarifa koju putnik izabere je fiksna i na nju ne utiču cene The fare chosen by the passenger is fixed and isn‘t affected moguće promene

by possible changes in pricing

više odgovara. Kupovinom ve- ćeg broja propusnica u prilici su da ostvare i viši nivo ušte- de. Kao i do sada, nastavi- ćemo da radimo na tome da putnicima uvek pružamo vi- še i kreiramo za njih dodat- ne vrednosti – izjavio je Zoran Radosavljević, viši menadžer putničkih i distribucionih siste- ma Er Srbije . Prilikom kupovine propu- snice za let putnik može bira- ti između jedne ili više grupisa- nih destinacija, ekonomske ili biznis-klase, Light , Standard ili Comfort tarife, datuma putova- nja sa restrikcijama ili bez njih, kao i brojnih drugih parametara. Pro- pusnica za let može važiti za naj- više 30 putnika, i to minimalno za četiri, a maksimalno za 100 puto- vanja. Uvođenjem aktivacije Pro- pusnica za let Er Srbija je stala ra- me uz rame sa vodećim svetskim avio-kompanijama poput Britiš er- vejza , Er Fransa i drugih koje svojim putnicima nude usluge ovog tipa.

for them. By purchasing multiple passes, they can enjoy greater discounts. As has been the case to date, we will con- tinue to work on always offering more and creating added

value for our passen- gers,” said Zoran Ra-

dosavljević, Head of PSS and Distribution at Air Serbia. When purcha- sing the Flight Pass, pa- ssengers can choose between one or more gro-

ups of destinations, economy or business class, Light, Stan- dard or Comfort tariffs, their date of travel with or without restrictions, as well as numerous other parameters. The Flight Pass can be used by a maxi- mum of 30 passengers, for a minimum of four and a maximum of 100 trips. With the introduction of the Flight Pass pro- gramme, Air Serbia now stands shoulder-to-sho- ulder with the world‘s leading international airlines, such as British Airways, Air France and others, which also offer such services to their passen- gers.

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