Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
Dragi putnici,
Dear passengers,
AT A GLANCE, OUR TASK IS to transport people and goods to different destinations around the world every day. Howe- ver, we at Air Serbia believe that we do so much more than that. We build bridges that connect friends, family members and business associates, and which create new friends. We bring different cultures closer together, linking countries and connecting economies through our network. And in doing this we strive to make the world a better place. We want to leave our mark, but to reduce our carbon footprint. Sustainability, the protection of natural reso-
NA PRVI POGLED NAŠA ULOGA JE da svakodnevno pre- vozimo ljude i transportujemo robu na različite destinacije. Međutim, mi u Er Srbiji verujemo da radimo mnogo više od toga. Mi gradimo mostove koji spajaju prijatelje, članove porodica i poslovne saradnike kojima se stvaraju nova pri- jateljstva. Približavamo različite kulture, povezujemo drža- ve i ekonomije kroz našu mrežu. Čineći sve to, trudimo se da svet učinimo boljim mestom. Želimo da ostavimo trag, ali da smanjimo karbonski otisak.
Održivost, zaštita prirodnih resursa, briga o ši- roj društvenoj zajednici, kao i bezbednost i do- brobit naših putnika i zaposlenih utkani su u sva- ki segment poslovanja Er Srbije . Fokusirani smo na redukciju emisije gasova koji stvaraju efekat staklene bašte i na poboljšanje uticaja na život- nu sredinu. To postižemo unapređivanjem opera- cija, uvođenjem inicijativa za recikliranje, angažo- vanjem naših zaposlenih, radom sa institucijama Vlade Srbije, optimizacijom pilotskih procedu- ra, promenama u zemaljskim pripremama za let, usmeravanjem procedura održavanja, kao i sma- njenjem težine aviona i svega što ulazi u avion. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani, o tome postoji posebna stranica na našem sajtu. Tokom proteklih 12 mese- ci uspeli smo da emisiju ugljen-dioksida smanjimo za gotovo 3.000 tona. Pratimo i merimo postignu- te rezultate i uvek se trudimo da učinimo više zato što i najsitnija poboljšanja prave razliku. Želim da naglasim – zajedno smo jači; ostva- rujemo bolje rezultate kada radimo zajedno. Kada svako pruža svoj doprinos, postižu se najbolji rezul- tati. Možda ste primetili da je magazin sada u sma- njenom formatu i na izmenjenoj vrsti papira. Ništa revolucionarno, ali ipak ćemo zahvaljujući toj ma- loj promeni doprineti smanjenju emisije ugljen-di- oksida za 14 tona na godišnjem nivou. Pozivam i vas da svakodnevno činite male korake da bismo na- šu kuću sačuvali za buduće generacije. Kad god imate priliku, koristite stepenice umesto lifta i bi- cikl umesto automobila; ne ostavljajte vodu da te- če dok perete zube; gasite svetlo kada niste u pro- storiji; reciklirajte, jer svaka tona recikliranog papira spasava 17 stabala. Budimo odgovorni jer zajedno možemo sve! Jedna od destinacija na kojima možete zaista da uživate u prirodi je Oslo, naša najnovija destina- cija u Skandinaviji. U magazinu možete da se upo-
urces and care for the broader community, as well as the safety and well-being of our passengers and employees, are firmly embedded in the DNA of Air Serbia’s operations. We are focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving our en- vironmental impact. And we deliver on this through improvements to our operations, through the intro- ducing of recycling initiatives, engaging our em- ployees, cooperating with government institutions, optimising pilot procedures, modifying ground pre- parations for flights, streaming maintenance proce- dures and reducing the weight of aircraft and everyt- hing we place aboard aircraft. If you are interested, we have a dedicated section on our official websi- te. We have managed to reduce our carbon-dioxi- de emissions by almost three thousand tonnes over last 12 months. We monitor and measure the results achieved, and we always strive to do more, because even the slightest improvements make a difference. I would like to emphasise that we are stronger together; that we deliver more when we work toget- her. When everyone contributes, the best results are achieved. You may have noticed that this magazine is now smaller, with a different type of paper. That’s nothing revolutionary, but we are helping to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions by 14 tonnes annually wi- th this small change. I invite you to take small steps every day, so that we can preserve our home for fu- ture generations. Whenever you have the opportu- nity, use stairs instead of lifts, ride a bicycle instead of driving a car; don‘t leave water running while you brush your teeth; turn the lights off when you leave a room; recycle, because every tonne of recycled pa- per saves 17 trees. Be responsible, because we can do everything together! One destination where you can truly appreciate nature is Oslo, our latest destination in Scandinavia.
Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia
Želimo da ostavimo trag, ali da smanjimo karbonski otisak We want to leave our mark, but to reduce our carbon footprint
You will see the natural wonders and phenomena of Norway later in this magazine – glaciers, waterfalls, fjords... I belie- ve that the awesome and mighty, yet silent and calm, power and beauty of nature will again remind us of how important it is to protect it! Enjoy your flight and have a good trip.
znate sa prirodnim lepotama i fenomenima Norveške – gle- čerima, slapovima, fjordovima... Verujem da će nas moćne i uzvišene, a ipak tihe i spokojne snaga i lepota prirode još jednom podsetiti na to koliko je važno da ih čuvamo! Uživaj- te u letu i srećan put.
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