Život će se sigurno još više promeniti, a
PELA MASKA ZA IPHONE Održivost više nije trend, nego sušta potreba. Pela je brend koji esencijalnost eko-frendli principa spaja sa utilitarnom vrednošću zaštitne maske za telefon, dajući nam estetski zadovoljavajući asesoar zbog koga neće trpeti životna sredina. PELA IPHONE CASE Sustainability is no longer a trend, but an essential necessity. Pela is a brand that combines the essential eco- friendly principle with the utilitarian value of a protective case for your phone, giving us an aesthetically pleasing accessory that will not cause suffering for the environment.
Life will certainly change even more, thanks largely to the advancement of technology and the emergence of new gadgets najviše zahvaljujući napretku tehnologije i pojavi novih gedžeta
G SHOCK MOVE GBDH1000 Iz G-Shock linije sportskih satova, koja se odlikuje performansama prevashodno namenjenim onima koji su u stalnom treningu, dolazi ovaj
SAMSUNG GALAXY S20 ULTRA Posebno iskustvo koje
Samsung dočarava svojom uvek evolutivnom Galaxy linijom ovog puta nam dolazi u neodoljivoj Cosmic Gray nijansi, a uz sofisticiran dizajn nudi i neuporedivo dobre fotografije. SAMSUNG GALAXY S20 ULTRA The special experience that Samsung evokes with its always evolving Galaxy line is this time coming to us in the irresistible shade of Cosmic Grey, while in addition to its sophisticated design it also offers incomparably good photography.
model, čiji robusni dizajn i tehnološka svestranost može da parira čak i vašem nadasve svemoćnom smartfonu. G SHOCK MOVE GBDH1000 From the G-Shock line of
sports watches, characterised by performances primarily intended for those who train constantly, comes this model with the kind of robust design and technological versatility that ensures it can rival even your most powerful smartphone.
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