Elevate August 2019 | Air Serbia


TERAZIJSKA ČESMA Verovatno svaki turista u Beogradu na- pravi fotografiju čuvene Terazijske če- sme, smeštene na platou kod hotela Moskva , a zanimljivo je da je Ulica Te- razije zapravo po njoj dobila ime. Izgra- đena je 1860. godine po projektu vaja- ra Franca Lorana kao simbol povratka na presto kneza Miloša Obrenovića, či- ji su inicijali urezani na sve četiri strane obeliska. Terazijska česma izgrađena je od krečnjačkog kamena s Tašmajdana, a sastoji se od četvorostranog stuba sa metalnom vazom na vrhu, ukupne vi- sine oko 8 m, postavljenog u osmou- gaoni bazen prečnika 10 m. Na svakoj strani u središtu kružnog medaljona je lavlja glava, takođe obrađena u kame- nu, s lulom za izbijanje mlaznice.


Prve javne česme na prostoru Beograda građene su još u vreme Rimljana iz vrlo praktičnih razloga, ali su u međuvremenu postajale prava vajarska dela i jedinstveni svedoci istorije. Neke od njih i danas krase našu prestonicu služeći svojoj primarnoj svrsi, ali njihovim vodama teku i priče o uzbudljivoj prošlosti Srbije

The rst public drinking fountains in Belgrade were constructed during the time of the Romans, for very practical reasons, but in the meantime they became genuine sculptural works and unique witnesses to the passage of history. Some of them still adorn our city and serve their primary purpose, but their waters also ow with stories of Serbia’s exciting past...

Tekst/Words: Ana Kalaba Fotografije/ Photography: Mitar Mitrović

TERAZIJE FOUNTAIN Probably every tourist in Belgrade takes a photo of the famous Terazije Fountain, which is located on the plateau in front the Hotel Moskva. And, interestingly, Terazi- je Street is actually named after the foun- tain, and not vice versa. Built in 1860 ac- cording to the design of Italian sculptor Franz Laurant, it was intended to symbol- ise the return to the throne of Prince Miloš Obrenović, whose initials are carved on all four sides of the Obelisk. Terazije Fountain is made of limestone quarried from Taš- majdan and consists of a four-sided pillar topped by a metal vase, with a total height of around eight metres, placed in the cen- tre of an octagonal pool with a diame- ter of 10 metres. At the centre of the circu- lar medallion on each side is a lion’s head, also shaped in stone, with pipes as noz- zle outlets.

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