ophonist Maceo Parker, once known as a key member of the famed wind section of James Brown’s band and today represent- ing one of the key gures on the world mu- sic scene with his authenticity. Testifying to his greatness are the nu- merous invitations to collaborate that he has received from the likes of Ray Charles, Keith Richards and Prince, followed by bands like Parliament-Funkadelic, 10,000 Maniacs, Red Hot Chili Peppers and many others. Appearing with her band in front of the public on Friday evening will be at- tractive American guitarist, singer and composer Malina Moye, who is dubbed the queen of funk-rock and the female Hendrix. Alongside her successful music career, Malina also often appears on the catwalk, where she participates in fashion campaigns of famous brands. That same evening will also include the performance of Jo Mersa Marley, the grandson of reg- gae legend Bob Marley. Saturday evening’s star performer will certainly be Sean Kuti, the son of famous afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti, who preserves and continues his father’s musical heritage in the best possible way. Fela Kuti became an integral part of African cultural tradi- tion as the leader of the band Egypt 80. The last day of the festival will pro- vide true jazz lovers with the opportuni- ty to experience the supergroup led by pi- anist Kenny Werner, which also includes saxophonist Dave Liebman, drummer Pe- ter Erskin and one of the most renowned bassists in America, German Johannes Wei- denmüller. Appearing on stage after them will be the famous Bob Geldof, an Irish mu- sician and former frontman of the Boom- town Rats rock band, who launched his so- lo career in 1986 and gained world repute as the founder of Live Aid. Alongside the rich musical programme – of which we’ve selected and present- ed only a small part – visitors to Nišville can enjoy a rich programme of addition- al content that’s free of charge. Also cer- tainly set to mark this year’s festival is the Lifetime Achievement Award that will be presented to one of the most successful musicians originating from this region: pi- anist, composer and arranger Lazar ‘Lar- ry’Vučković, who forged his career in the U.S., the cradle of jazz. Four days, 25 concerts, wonderful music – well, that’s ‘merak’! A relaxed atmosphere, smiling faces on all sides, and a good time that’s long remembered
Parliamnet Funkadelic , 10.000 Ma- niacs , Red Hot Chili Peppers ... U petak će pred publiku sa svo- jim sastavom izaći atraktivna ame- rička gitaristkinja, pevačica i kom- pozitorka Malina Moj, koju zovu kraljicom fank roka i ženskim Hen- driksom. Osim što gradi uspešnu mu- zičku karijeru, Malina se često po- javljuje i na modnim pistama, gde učestvuje u kampanjama poznatih brendova. Iste večeri nastupiće i Džozef Džo Mersa Marli, unuk legendar- nog Boba Marlija. Zvezda subotnje večeri svakako će biti Šon Kuti, sin slavnog Fele Ku- tija, koji na najbolji način čuva i na- stavlja muzičko nasleđe svog oca, koji je postao deo afričke kulturne tradicije kao vođa benda Egypt 80 . Istinski ljubitelji džeza će posled- njeg dana festivala imati priliku da vide supergrupu koju predvodi pi- janista Keni Verner, a u kojoj su sak- sofonista Dejv Libman, bubnjar Pi- ter Erskin i Johanes Vejdenmiler, jedan od najtraženijih kontrabasista u Americi. Nakon njih na bini će se pojavi- ti čuveni Bob Geldof, irski muzičar, nekadašnji vođa rok sastava Boom- town Rats , koji je solo karijeru zapo- čeo 1986. godine, a postao je plane- tarno poznat kao osnivač Live Aida . Izuzev bogatog muzičkog pro- grama, iz kojeg smo izdvojili samo jedan deo, posetioci će moći da uži- vaju i u bogatom pratećem sadržaju, koji je besplatan. Ovogodišnji festival svakako će obeležiti i priznanje za životno de- lo koje će biti dodeljeno jednom od najuspešnijih muzičara poreklom sa ovih prostora – pijanisti, kompozito- ru i aranžeru Lazaru Lariju Vučkovi- ću, koji je karijeru ostvario Americi, u kolevci džeza.
T he Southern Serbian city of Niš will open the gates of its fascinat- ing fortress for all jazz lovers from 8 th to 11 th August, oering mu- sic that has been played here with heart- felt passion by musicians from all over the world for year. Locals and guests to this city who traditionally attend the Nišville Jazz Festival describe it in a few words: “a relaxed atmosphere, smiling faces on all sides, and a good time that’s long re- membered”. That will, in all likelihood, be the case this year too, because 25 concerts have been conrmed for the four days of the festival, with the main event taking place on the ‘Earth and Sky’ stages, located at the very heart of Niš Fortress. These two stages see the festival’s top performers alternate with their shows, and this is a concept that also makes Nišville unique around the world. This year’s opening evening, on Thurs- day 8 th August, will see the performance of cult American funk and soul-jazz sax-
Mejsio Parker, nekada poznat kao ključni član čuvene duvačke linije grupe Džejmsa Brauna Maceo Parker, once known as a key member of the famed wind section of James Brown’s band
Er Srbija leti iz Niša ka 12 novih destinacija u Evropi
Air Serbia flies from Niš to 12 new destinations in Europe
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