Dragi gosti,
Dear Guests,
Svakog dana, zajedno sa vama, prelazimo velike razdaljine. Ta ogro- mna, nepregledna prostranstva i silni oblaci koje naši avioni krote često i nisu nešto na šta uvek prvo pomislimo. O njima čak i ne razmišljamo. Za- sluge za to pripadaju pre svega moćnim mašinama kojima letimo. Zahva- ljujući njima, na svako naše putovanje ne potrošimo previše vremena. Međutim, te ogromne razdaljine koje svakodnevno prelazimo nisu sa- mo puka rastojanja između gradova. Naši letovi su ujedno i mostovi ko- ji svakodnevno spajaju ljude i kulture. Zato ih mi i ne merimo samo bro- jem pređenih kilometara. Evo i nekoliko slikovitih primera – ukoliko bismo sabrali razdaljine od Beograda do svih destinacija Er Srbije, obišli bismo planetu Zemlju i ostala bi nam još trećina obima naše planete na ekvatoru. Zbir kilometara razda- ljine do svih naših destinacija jednak je i dužini 1.269 maratonskih deoni- ca. Ako bismo počeli da pričamo samo o ovogodišnjim novim destinaci-
We travel great distances, together with you, each and every day. These vast, endless expanses and countless clouds that are traversed by our aircraft are often not the rst thing we consider. Indeed, we don’t think about that at all. This is primarily thanks to the mighty machines in which we are ying. Thanks to them, every journey we make doesn’t take up too much of our time. However, the huge distances we cover every day aren’t just mere distances between cities, as our ights also represent bridges that connect people and cultures every single day. This is why we don’t measure them only in terms of kilometres covered. Here are a few illustrative examples – if we were to add together the distances between Belgrade and all the destinations to which Air Serbia ies, we would be able to circumnavigate the Earth and would still have a third of our planet’s equatorial circumference left over. The sum total of all the distances across all of our destinations covers the equivalent of 1,269 marathons. If
jama i razdaljinama, sva rastojanja od Niša do svih gradova do kojih stižemo iz naše južne baze premašuju dužinu Ki- neskog zida. Taj broj kilometara dovo- ljan je da povežemo Severni i Južni pol naše lepe planete. Samo zamislite ko- liko „zemaljskih kugli obiđu“ ili koliko „maratona istrče“ naši avioni u toku sa- mo jednog dana! Zato za nas u Er Srbiji nema odmo- ra. Za nas je ova sezona najintenzivni- ja od pokretanja kompanije. Uz malopre
we narrow it down to just this year’s new destinations and distances; the distance between Niš and all the cities now serviced from our southern base exceeds the length of the Great Wall of China. This is far enough to connect our beautiful planet’s North and South Poles. Just imagine how many times our planes “circle the earth”, or how many marathons they “run” in just one day! This is why we at Air Serbia don’t take breaks. For us, this is our most intense season since the founding of the company. Along
Naši letovi su i mostovi koji svakodnevno spajaju ljude i kulture. Zato ih mi i ne merimo samo brojem pređenih kilometara
Our ights also represent bridges that connect people and cultures. This
is why we don’t measure them only in terms of kilometres
pomenuti Niš i 12 destinacija na koje letimo, u junu smo povezali Beo- grad sa još devet destinacija, na koje ste, kako se vrlo brzo pokazalo, jed- va čekali. Uvereni smo da ćemo i dalje biti deo vaših planova i putovanja do željenih destinacija. Nadamo se da ćete i dalje, upravo na krilima Er Srbije, otkrivati nove, za vas brižljivo odabrane destinacije. Onima koji se za pu- tovanje tek pripremaju, bilo da je reč o odmoru ili o poslovnom putova- nju, toplo savetujemo da i tokom ovog meseca godišnjih odmora na ae- rodrom stignu ranije. Neretko je na putevima ka svim vazdušnim lukama, ali i u aerodromskim zgradama, potrebno malo više vremena kako biste završili sve procedure i ukrcali se u avion. Radujemo se svakom novom podizanju iznad oblaka sa vama, uve- reni ćete uživati u svakom pređenom kilometru sa nama. Neka ih bude još mnogo! Uživajte u letu i srećan put
with the aforementioned Niš, and the twelve destinations to which we’ve launched ights from that city, in June we connected Belgrade to another nine destinations, which – as it soon became clear – you have been eagerly awaiting. We are certain that we will continue to be part of your plans and trips to desired destinations. We hope that Air Serbia will be the airline to help you discover new destinations that have been carefully selected for you. To those of you who are just getting ready to take a trip – whether a holiday break or a business trip – we would advise that you arrive earlier at the airport during this month, which is when most people take their summer break. Slightly more time is often required during August, both on the way to airports and at airport terminals, to complete all procedures and board your ight. We look forward to each new ight above the clouds together with you, and are certain that you will enjoy every kilometre travelled with us. May there be many, many more! Enjoy your ight and have a nice trip!
Yours sincerely, Air Serbia
Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija
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