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brost bez koje nema napred. Ljudi projektuju svoje osobine na druge kad im je teško da podnesu tuđi uspeh. Nisam stekla avione i ka- mione, imam kuću na Avali, bu- tik i atelje. Ali sam stoprocentni vlasnik svega što potpisujem, a to je dragoceni uspeh. Bog mi je dao da se tek sa 35 godina zalju- bim u modni dizajn. Nisam sebi dozvoljavala ni da se potpisujem kao kreator dok dobro nisam is- pekla ovaj zanat. Kad ste rekli sebi da ste po- stigli nešto u životu? – Do danas nisam to rekla jer nema vremena za laskanje sebi. Kad pomislite da sve znate, bloki- rali ste sebe. Sada mogu da kažem da sam uspela posle 35 godina sta- ža u modi, u smislu da mi ljudi ve- ruju. Ponekad me sin podseti na to šta sam sve do sada postigla, po- put 1999, kad je bila modna revi- ja mog brenda VR na Španskim stepenicama tokom Nedelje viso- ke mode u Rimu. Koliko utičete na modni iz- bor ćerki Elene (47) i Milene (37) i sina Miodraga (40) i da li im ponekad uputite kri- tiku? – Moja deca su odrasli ljudi sa sopstvenim stilom i načinom ži- vota. Imali su apsolutnu slobodu dok su se formirali. Trudila sam se da ih ambijentom u kojem su živeli i usmeravanjem na vredno- sti koje su bitne za kvalitetan ži- vot podstaknem na ličnu slobo- du da definišu svoj modni izbor. Vi i muž Veljko Kuzman- čević, kompozitor, zajed- no ste skladno doterani na javnim događajima. Ko ko- me predlaže odevnu kom- binaciju? – Oboje smo vrlo jake indi- vidue sa izgrađenim stilom i fi- losofijom, pa niko nikoga ne save- tuje. Individualnost oboje čuvamo kao bitan deo karaktera. Kako vidite sebe u narednim godinama u svakom smislu? – Zvuči kao apsurd, verovat- no, da neko sa 70 godina razmišlja o deceniji i više unapred. Veru- jem u sopstvenu energiju i sta- nje duha, imam mnogo ideja i ne- realizovanih kolekcija. Verujem da će mi kosmos pružiti moguć- nost da ih realizujem. Privatno, vidim Veljka i sebe u harmoniji kao sada.
I would only fall in love with fashion design at the age of 35. I didn’t even allow myself to sign as a creator un- til I’d mastered this craft well. When did you tell yourself that you’d achieved something in life? - I haven’t told myself that to this day, because there’s no time for self-attery. When you think you know it all, you’ve blocked yourself. I can now say that I’ve suc- ceeded, after 35 years of experience in fashion, in the sense that people believe me. Sometimes my son re- minds me of everything I’ve so far achieved, like in 1999, when I had a fashion show of my“VR”brand on Rome’s Spanish Steps as part of Haute Couture Fashion Week. To what extent do you inuence the fashion choices of yours daughters Elena (47) and Mile- na (37) and your son Miodrag (40); do you some- times critique their style? - My children are adults, with their own style and their own way of life. They had absolute freedom while they were forming as people. I tried – with the ambience in which they lived and by focusing on values that are important for a high-quality life – to encourage their personal freedom in dening their own fashion choices. You and your husband, composer Veljko Kuz- mančević, dress together harmoniously for pub- lic events. Who proposes whose combination? - We are both very strong individuals, with a de- veloped style and philosophy, so nobody advises an- yone. We both maintain individuality as an essential part of our characters. How do you see yourself in the years ahead, in every sense? - It probably sounds absurd that someone aged 70 thinks about a decade and more in advance. I believe in my own energy and state of mind; I have many ide- as and unrealised collections. I believe that the Cosmos will give me an opportunity to realise them. Privately, I see Veljko and myself in harmony, like we are now.
harmony with oneself and one’s surroundings. Who are the people who inspire your collections? - Women like Frida Kahlo, Isidora Duncan, Lou Sa- lomé. And my target group is always women who put themselves ahead of their dress. What do you dislike in fashion currently in our country and around the world? - In our fashion I don’t like the dominance of taste- lessness and the absence of any professional and seri- ous criticism. I honour the exceptions, represented by a group of talented designers who lack the possibility of media armation that is essential in this business. Around the world, I’m bothered by all the exhibition- ism that is an end in itself. With which foreign creator would you like to collaborate? - With Vivienne Westwood, always. You have endured successfully in your work. How did you adjust to the 21 st century? - Almost anyone who today tailors a dress is labelled a fashion creator, which devalues the postulate of seri- ous work in the fashion world. I feel sorry when I see that there are people who easily sell their honour for easy and short-lived points. It’s not only like that in our coun- try, but also around the world, though the dierence is that professionals elsewhere around the world secure for themselves everything that belongs to them as a result of their reputation. I’ve always had a Plan B and been ready to take risks for business challenges. I also sold a large apartment in Belgrade city centre to pay for the cost of one of my fashion shows, and I count that as an act of great courage without which there would be no advancement. People project their own character- istics onto others when it is dicult for them to handle someone else’s success. I haven’t amassed planes and trucks; I have a house on Mount Avala, a boutique and a studio. But I’m the 100% owner of everything I sign, and that’s an invaluable success. God determined that
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