Elevate July 2019 | Air Serbia


Barselona Glavna letnja atrakcija

Barcelona Main summer attraction

Sa dolaskom leta kulturni kalendar Barselone ispunjen je beskrajnim feštama i umetničkim događajima. Ipak, jedan festival već više od četiri decenije predstavlja glavnu letnju atrakciju grada. Reč je o festivalu The Grec , koji traje tokom celog jula, a posetiocima nudi brojna dešavanja, od pozorišta i plesa do muzičkih i cirkuskih performansa zabavljača iz celog sveta. Glavno mesto dešavanja je Teatar Grec .

With the arrival of summer, Barce- lona’s cultural calendar is lled with endless festivities and artistic events. However, one festival has represented the city’s main summer attraction for over four decades. The Festival Grec de Barcelona, which runs throughout the whole of July, oers visitors a wide array of happenings, from theatrical and dance shows to music and circus performances from around the world. The main venue of events is the city’s open-air Teatre Grec theatre. Prague Cinema on the water In the build up to the summer sea- son in the Czech capital,‘Kinolod’ has opened, as the rst cinema on a ship anchored on the River Vlta- va in the Holešovice district. The cinema has 80 seats and screens domestic and international lms, with Czech works being shown with English language subtitles. It is also envisaged that this beau- tiful and pleasant ambience on the water be used to stage thea- tre plays and concerts in the peri- od ahead.

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Barselonu Air Serbia flies 2 times a week from Belgrade to Barcelona

Prag Bioskop na vodi

U susret letnjoj sezoni, u češkoj prestonici otvoren je Kinolod, prvi bioskop na brodu, usidrenom na reci Vltavi u distriktu Holešovice. Bioskop ima 80 mesta i prikazuje domaće i strane filmove, s tim što se češka ostvarenja prikazuju sa titlom na engleskom jeziku. Predviđeno je i da se u ovom lepom i prijatnom ambijentu na vodi u narednom periodu održavaju i predstave i koncerti.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Prag

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Prague

Saint Petersburg Stars of white nights

Sankt Peterburg Zvezde belih noći

Thanks to its geographical latitude, St. Petersburg is known for the extraor- dinary natural phenomenon dubbed ‘White Nights’, which served to inspire the creation of the international art fes- tival “Stars of the White Nights”. This year’s 27 th edition of the festival, to be held at Mariinsky Theatre until 21 st Ju- ly, will bring together Russia’s best ballet dancers, opera singers and symphony orchestras. During the period of White Nights, St. Petersburg is visited not on- ly by lovers of music and art from all over Russia, but also from abroad, while many critics rank this festival among the world’s top ten.

Zbog geografske širine na kojoj se nalazi, Sankt Peterburg je poznat po izvanrednom prirodnom fenomenu zvanom bele noći, koji je poslužio kao inspiracija za međunarodni umetnički festival Zvezde belih noći . Ove godine festival će se do 21. jula održati po 27. put u teatru Marinski i okupiće najbolje ruske baletane, operske pevače i simfonijske orkestre. U vreme belih noći u Sankt Peterburg dolaze ljubitelji muzike i umetnosti ne samo iz čitave Rusije već i iz inostranstva, a ovaj festival mnogi kritičari svrstavaju među deset najboljih na svetu.

Er Srbija leti 3 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Sankt Peterburg Air Serbia flies 3 times a week from Belgrade to St. Petersburg

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