Na adresi Cara Dušana 45 nalazi se javno kupatilo At 45 Tsara Dušana Street was a public baths
Dorćol was once all of Belgrade, and the junction of the streets named after Emper- or Dušan and King Peter, which continues in- to Dubrovnik Street, determined the name of the entire neighbourhood.‘Dort jol’means four roads in Turkish, and this crossroads was the main shopping hub of European Turkey, as it led to Istanbul, Vidin, Vienna and Dubrovnik. The history of this crossroads also shows the terri- ble times for life in Belgrade, because the Turks displayed the severed heads of all the disobe- dient there. During the period of Turkish rule in Belgrade, the main street, main market, was Kralja Petra Street, and it was then called Glav- na [Main],Trgovačka ulica [Merchants’Street]. It was divided into three parts: the main market, Zerek and Dorćol. The main market extended from the Cathedral Church to the corner of Kn- ez Mihailova and Kralja Petra. Downhill, along the street to Tsara Dušana Street, sprawled Ze- rek, the most active part of the city, with trad- ers, while Dorćol extended from Dušan’s street towards the Danube. Today’s Dubrovačka Street was a colony of merchants from Dubrovnik who came to Belgrade during the 16 th and 17 th cen- turies and stimulated the city’s economy. And still today, as you head down Kralja Petra Street on foot, you can feel the spirit of the great city, and standing behind every shop worker or own- er today are generations of predecessors, trad- ers who, like those of today, cleaned the display cases and added decorations, inviting neigh- bours and customers to drop by and see what they have to oer.
nija dubrovačkih trgovaca, koji su u Beograd došli tokom 16. i 17. ve- ka i podstakli privredu grada. I da- nas, kad se spuštate peške niz Ulicu kralja Petra, oseća se živi duh veli- kog grada, a iza svakog današnjeg radnika ili vlasnika radnje stoje ge- neracije prethodnika, trgovaca, koji su, kao i ovi današnji, čistili izloge, ukrašavali, pozivali komšije i kupce da svrate i vide šta nude. CARA DUŠANA BROJ U Cara Dušana 10 nalazi se i najstarija sačuvana kuća u Beogra- du. Kuća je izgrađena 1727, u vreme kada je počela austrijska vladavina Beogradom i kada je počela arhitek- tonska evropeizacija Beograda. Gra- ditelj kuće bio je Švajcarac Nikola Doksat de Morez, koji je imao zada- tak da obnovi i ojača kalamegdan- sko utvrđenje. Ali ono što kuću čini još intrigantnijom od njene starosti su navodno lagumi i podrumi kroz koje je moguće doći do Kalemeg- danske tvrđave. Kakva bi to šetnja bila podzemnim Beogradom da se uđe u tu kuću i stigne do Kalemeg- dana, može se samo pretpostaviti. MALI AMAM Na adresi Cara Dušana 45 nalazi se javno kupatilo nastalo još za vre- me turske vladavine. „Mali amam“, kako su ga Turci zvali, na toj je adre- si od 1863. U središtu kupatila nalazi se kružni bazen, amam i manji pra- vougaoni bazen, koji se punio hlad- nom vodom. Orijentalnu senzualnu naviku javnog banjanja nasledili su mlađi Beograđani. Javno kupatilo obnovili su 1901. ugledni beograd- ski trgovci, braća Krsmanović.
At number 10 Tsara Dušana Street stands the oldest preserved house in Belgrade. It was built in 1727, which marked the start of Austrian rule over Belgrade, but also the time when the ar- chitectural Europeanisation of Belgrade began. The house was constructed by Swiss native Niko- la Doksat de Morez, who was also tasked with restoring and reinforcing Kalamegdan Fortress. However, what makes this house even more in- triguing than its age are the alleged caves and cellars through which it is possible to access Kale- megdan Fortress.
Belgrade has been home to Celts, Romans, Turks, Greeks, Tsintsare, Jews et al. And they all left their traces mostly in Dorćol, that junction of roads and the capital city’s history U Beogradu su živeli Kelti, Rimljani, Turci, Grci, Cincari, Jevreji... A svi su ostavili trag najviše na Dorćolu, toj raskrsnici puteva i istorije glavnog grada
At45TsaraDušanaStreetwasapublicbaths created during the time of Ottoman rule over Bel- grade.The“Little Hammam”, as theTurks called it, has been located at this address since 1863. At the centre of the baths is a circular pool, a hammam, and a smaller rectangular pool that’s lled with cold water. The oriental sensual habit of public bathing was also inherited by later Belgraders. These public baths were renovated in 1901 by the Krsmanović brothers.
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