Elevate July 2019 | Air Serbia


Dragi gosti,

Dear Guests,

Za nama je pravi slavljenički mesec. Ovog juna obeležili smo 92 go- dine izuzetne tradicije naše avio-kompanije. Neskromno ćemo napisati da je malo svetskih kompanija koje mogu da se pohvale da postoje toliki broj godina. I mada je običaj da se za rođendan dobijaju pokloni, mi smo odlu- čili da darujemo vas. Pred vama je još veći broj gradova u koje možete da putujete, a zbog kojih je niz mogućnosti koje su vam na raspolaganju, još veći. Mislimo da je to jedan od najboljih načina da vam se zahvalimo. Jun je za nas u Er Srbiji bio izuzetno uzbudljiv. To je mesec tokom ko- jeg smo pomerali granice, pravili iskorake i ispisivali stranice nove istori- je srpske avijacije. Sve je počelo prvog dana u mesecu kada smo inau- guracionim letom za Helsinki, u prestonicu „zemlje hiljadu jezera“, poveli predstavnike najznačajnijih medija u Srbiji. Njima su društvo pravili i na-

Behind us is a true month of celebration. This June, we marked the 92 nd anniversary of the extraordinary tradition of our airline. We do not hesitate to state that there are few companies worldwide that can boast of having achieved so many years of service. And even though tradition dictates that we receive birthday presents, we have decided to present gifts to you. There is now an even larger number of cities you can travel to, thanks to which the range of possibilities at your disposal is even greater. We believe this is the best way to thank you. June has been extremely exciting for us at Air Serbia. This has been the month during which we have pushed our limits, taken steps forward and written pages in the new history of Serbian aviation. It all started on the rst day of the month, when we took representatives of the most signicant media in Serbia to

ši poslovni partneri, dok je gost iznenađe- nja bila pobednica pesme Evrovizije 2007 Marija Šerifović. Mini koncertom na jed- nom od centralnih trgova u glavnom gra- du Finske, naša jedina evrovizijska pobed- nica evocirala je uspomene na jedinstveni muzički podvig koji je postigla pre 12 godi- na, upravo u tom gradu. Istoga dana, pole- teo je avion ka Barseloni, da bi dan kasnije letelica sa našim bojama dotakla tlo aero- droma u Madridu. U ta prva četiri dana ju- na uspostavljeni su direktni letovi i za Kijev,

“the land of a thousand lakes”on the inaugural ight to Helsinki. They were accompanied by our business partners, while a surprise guest was the winner of the 2007 Eurovision song contest, Marija Šerifović. With a mini concert on one of the central squares in the capital of Finland, our only Eurovision winner evoked memories of a unique musical feat achieved 12 years ago, precisely in that city. A plane took o bound for Barcelona that same day, and a day later that plane with our ag touched down at the airport in Madrid. The rst four days of June

Mada je običaj da se za rođendan dobijaju pokloni, mi smo odlučili da darujemo vas

Even though tradition dictates that we receive birthday presents, we have decided

to present gifts to you

Krasnodar, Rijeku, Nicu i Kairo, a nešto kasnije na našu mapu letenja upi- sao se i Zadar. Praktično u svakom gradu, koji je u našoj novoj mreži de- stinacija, svi mi smo zajedno sa našim prijateljima, poslovnim partnerima i predstavnicima srpske medijske i kreativne industrije, ispisivali još jednu od brojnih novih priča, čime smo se najbolje uklopili u slogan naše marke- tinške kampanje – „Devet novih priča“. No, najveća ekspanzija u istoriji naše kompanije ovde se ne zaustav- lja. S vetrom u leđa nastavljamo dalje. Već ovog meseca, uz Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, baza za naše avione postaje i Aerodrom Konstantin Veliki u Nišu. Upravo tu, na raskrsnici puteva koji iz samog centra Balkana vode na sve četiri strane sveta, stvaramo još jedno značajno regionalno čvori- šte. Povezujemo nekadašnju prestonicu sa čak 12 evropskih gradova. Po- nosni smo što ćemo raditi na promociji naše lepe zemlje i predstaviti Niš turistima i poslovnim ljudima. Za vas i sa vama nastavljamo da kreiramo nove priče i nove uspo- mene. Hvala što ste deo svih naših pobeda. Uživajte u letu sa nama i srećan put,

were marked by the introduction of direct ights to Kiev, Krasnodar, Rijeka, Nice and Cairo, ith Zadar later included in our schedule. We were practically writing a series of new stories in each city that was included in our new network of destinations, together with our friends, business partners and representatives of Serbian media and the creative industries, thus best tailoring ourselves to the slogan of advertising campaign entitled ‘Nine new stories’. However, the biggest expansion in the history of our company does not end here. We are moving forward with the wind in our sails. Constantine the Great Airport in Niš will become the second base for our planes, alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as early as this month. We intend to make a new important regional hub right there at the crossroads from where the roads lead from the center of the Balkans to all four sides of the world. We are connecting Serbia’s former capital with 12 European cities. We are proud to be able to work on the promotion of our beautiful land and to present Niš to tourists and businesspeople. We continue to create new stories and memories because of you and in cooperation with you. We would like to thank you for being part of our victories. Enjoy ying with us and have a nice trip!

Yours sincerely, Air Serbia

Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija

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