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Gde je mesto Festivala Evrop- skog filma Palić u odnosu na slične evropske festivale? – EFF postoji već više od četvrt veka i stalno raste u smislu među- narodnog ugleda. Od presudne je važnosti to što dolaze gosti iz svih krajeva Evrope i sveta. I ove godine putuju iz Brazila i SAD. Nik Pinker- ton, jedan od najvećih američkih kri- tičara, prvi put dolazi kao član žirija. Šta nikako ne bismo smeli da propustimo? – Prve noći festivala (21. jula) pri- kazujemo srpski film Marije Kova- čine (koja je inače član benda VIS Limunada ) pod nazivom Dogs, Mo- on River and Baudelaire , što je jed- na od najboljih stvari koje sam vi- deo ove godine. Jednostavna ideja izvedena sa istinskom umetničkom briljantnošću. I, naravno, činjenica da Young Spirit ima termin u 22 ča- sa u bioskopu na otvorenom Aba- ziji. Sve to je idealna atmosfera za filmove kao što je Night Horse belgij- skog reditelja Jerona van der Stoka. I za kraj, ali ne i najmanje važ- no, sad ste već čest gost, ima li nekih stvari kojim se posebno radujete kad dolazite u Srbiju? – Prvi put sam probao pljeska- vicu kada sam prvi put došao kao član žirija 2011. godine, a mesna je- la na Paliću i u Subotici nikada me nisu izneverila. Volim da se „spota- knem“ o nova mesta koja možda ne izgledaju tako obećavajuće spolja, ali su puna lokalaca koji jesu u slast.
Where’s the place of the European Film Festival in Palić when com- pared to other relevant European festivals? - EFF has been around for more than a quarter of a century now, and is steadily growing in terms of international prestige and reputation. Crucial to that is getting guests from all over Europe and indeed the world -- this year we have travellers from as far away as Brazil and the USA: Nick Pinkerton, one of the top American critics, is coming for the first time as a member of the press jury. Which films are “unmissable”? On the first night of Young Spirit (21st July) we’re showing a Serbian film by Marija Kovačina -- she’s in the band VIS Limunada -- called “Dogs, moon riv- er and baudelaire”, which is one of the very best things I’ve seen all year. A sim- ple idea executed with genuine artistic brilliance. And, of course, the fact that Young Spirit shows at 10pm in the open- air cinema at Kino Abazija will be ideal for atmospherically nocturnal films like “Night Horse”, by Belgian director Jeroen Van Der Stock. Last, but not least, since you are a regular guest in Serbia, are there any things that you are particular- ly happy about when you arrive? - I had my first ever pljeskavica when I first came to EFF as a jury member in 2011, and the meat dishes in Palić and Subotica never let me down; I love stum- bling across new places that maybe don’t look so promising from the outside but are full of locals munching away.
over the world, it’s up to festival program- mers to seek them out and bring them into the limelight. Critics have a role to play too. You’ve been curator of the “Young spirit of Europe” selection at Palić for years. How do you see this year’s production? - Young Spirit is a wide-ranging sec- tion that encompasses experimental lms, documentaries and ction, plus some mu- sic videos and other wild-cards. Europe as we dene it is a very big and enormously culturally diverse place, stretching from Ice- land to Vladivostok, and it’s tough to iden- tify particular“trends”when you’re talking about so many individual lmmakers. What excites me at the moment is when young directors realise they don’t need a cam- era to make a lm these days, or even a phone: if you have the vision and air, you can make an outstanding lm (long or short) just from material that’s already out there on the internet. How do you see the Serbian lm scene? - Film was taken very seriously in Yugo- slavia, as we all know, from Tito on down, and there are traces of that legacy in all the ex-YU countries, including Serbia. The country supports a range of festivals and it’s great that there are several living legends still around and still active, such as Želimir Žilnik, who are passing on their energy to kids decades their junior. But I’m encour- aged that teenagers and people in their ear- ly 20s are still so engaged with cinema as a means of expression: last year in Young Sprit we world-premiered Street, Cry a lm by Bojan Tutić, who was born in the year 2000!
Evropski filmski festival održava se ove godine 26. put od 20. do 26. jula This year’s European Film Festival in Palić is being held for the 26th time from 20 th to 26 th July
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