no, čisto, mirno i skladno. Srpska duša, navikla na haos, buku, gu- žvu i sudaranje, isprva će se oseti- ti gotovo nelagodno u gradu u ko- jem svako gleda svoja posla, ali se istom brzinom i prilagođava tom čudnom trenutku spokoja. U Hel- sinkiju ima mesta za sve i svako je dobrodošao. Osvrćeš se oko se- be i vidiš – široke bulevare, skoc- kane trotoare, stotine spomenika, kafu na svakom koraku, jer ipak su Finci narod koji je po ispijanju kafe prvi na svetu, pešake koji str- pljivo čekaju zeleno svetlo prem- da su davno mogli da pređu ulicu, jer automobila praktično da nema. Većina vozi bicikle i električne tro- tinete – čak i u izboru prevoznog sredstva, Finci su praktični i mo- derni i čini mi se da upravo ta dva pojma dobro opisuju energiju koji se oseća u Helsinkiju. Baš svuda nalećeš na nešto ino- vativno, a ipak u potpunosti podre- đeno čoveku kako bi mu na prvom mestu olakšalo, a tek onda ulepša- lo život. Ne znam da li neposredna blizina mora ili to što je umirujuće svetao i prozračan ili pak činjeni- ca da u Helsinkiju možeš da ho- daš i na rukama a da to niko ne pogleda, ali u ovom gra- du lako osetiš pripadnost. Poći na drugi kraj Evro- pe i znati da ćeš uživa- ti u drugom univerzu- mu – gde su supa od lososa, meso od med- veda i čips od irvasa uobičajeni delikatesi i gde ćeš se okrepiti uz liker od duda ili ar- ktičke kupine, na kraju svega zvuči primamlji- POGLED IZ AVIONA I MARIJA ŠERIFOVIĆ Moram da naglasim i koliko je spek- takularan pogled na Helsinki iz samog aviona.Let do Finske bio je još zaniml-
vo i može da bude pravo osveženje. Helsinki je i grad lepih muškaraca, a to se primeti na prvu loptu. Plavi, visoki i vitki i imaju isti vajb kao i grad čiji su žitelji – jednostavni su, smireni i diskretni, ali sitnice ipak odaju da u njima čuče avan- turisti i veseljaci. Koleginica Nina je put Helsin- kija krenula bolje naoružana infor- macijama od mene, pa mi je saop- štila interesantan podatak – Finci vikende najradije provode tako što sa prijateljima iznajme neko od obližnjih ostrvaca, kojih – pa- zite sad – ima tačno 187.888! Oni se tu, okruženi netaknutom prirodom i plavetnilom bez kraja i konca, za- bavljaju, roštiljaju i odmaraju, a ve- rujem da je upravo to biser ovog grada i najbolje što može da ponudi. Jedinstvena prilika, kao čini mi se nigde na svetu, da budeš u simbiozi sa veličanstvenom prirodom, a da znaš da za svega nekoliko minuta možeš da budeš u kosmpolitskom središtu.
despite having long since been able to cross the street, because there are virtually no cars.The ma- jority ride bicycles and electric scooters – Finns are practical and modern even in their transpor- tation choices, and it seems to me that these two words describe the energy felt in Helsinki well. Absolutely everywhere here you will nd something innovative, yet completely tailored to people, rst making life easier, and then more beautiful. I don’t know if it’s because of the im- mediate vicinity of the sea or that it is soothing- ly bright and airy, or the fact that you could walk on your hands in Helsinki without anyone pay- ing attention, but in this city you can easily feel a sense of belonging. Head to the other end of Eu- rope and know that you’ll enjoy another universe – where salmon soup, bear meat and reindeer chips are common delicacies, and where you will fortify yourself with a liqueur made of mulberries or arctic blackberries, and in the end everything sounds tempting and can be a real refreshment. Helsinki is also a city of beautiful men, which can be noticed immediately. Blonde, tall and slim, they also have the same vibe as the city they inhabit – they are simple, calm and discrete, but little things still reveal that hidden with them are adventur- ers and revellers. My colleague Nina headed on the journey to Helsinki armed with better information than I did, so she recounted an interesting fact to me – Finns mostliketospendtheweekendwithfriendsrent- ing some nearby island, of which – get this – there are exactly 187,888!There, surround-
ed by untouched nature and blueness without frills, they have fun, barbecue and relax, and I believe that’s exactly the jewel of this city and the best it has to oer. A unique opportuni- ty that it seems to me isn’t availa- ble anywhere else in the world, to be in symbiosis with the magni- cence of nature, and to know that in just a few minutes you can be in a cosmopolitan hub.
I must emphasise how spectacular the view of Helsinki is from the plane itself The ight to Finland was even more interesting thanks to the fact that we were joined aboard the plane by Marija Šer- ifović, who had a mini concert in Helsinki precisely 12 years after
jiviji zahvaljujući činjenici da je sa nama lete- la i Marija Šerifović, koja je u Helsinkiju imala mi- ni-koncert, tačno 12 godina posle istorijske pobede na Evrosongu – upravo u ovom gradu. Marija je, energično, veselo i moćno, kako to samo ona ume, pevala okupljenim građanima, a bilo ih je neočekivano mnogo. Jedan od najlepših trenutaka bio je kada se gošća iz Helsinkija spontano pridružila Mariji, uzela mikrofon i maestralno izvela čuvenu Molitvu na gotovo tečnom srpskom. Er Srbija nagradila je taj hrabri gest, pa je damu ob- radovala avionskom kartom ka destinaciji po izboru, a ona je priznala da će je rado iskoristiti da poseti upravo Srbiju.
her historic victory in the Eurovision Song Contest – right in this city. Marija sang as energetically, joyfully and powerfully as only she can to the gathered people, and there was a surprisingly large number of them. One of the most beautiful moments was when a local attendee from Helsinki spontaneously joined Mari- ja, took the microphone and gave a masterful performance of her famous song “Molitva” (Prayer) in almost completely uent Serbia. Air Serbia rewarded her for this courageous gesture, delighting the lady with an air ticket to a destination of her choice, and she admitted that she would gladly use it to actually visit Serbia.
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