Sadržaj /Inside Italija u fokusu Italy in focus
70 Barokne
palate Rima Baroque palaces of Rome
74 Gde se pije
najbolji espreso? Where do they drink the best espresso?
Moja slatka Italija/ My sweet Italy 82
78 Velika jezera Lombardije Great lakes of Lombardy
Bili jednom LA Lejkersi Once were the LA Lakers 50
Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up Er Srbija povećava nedeljni broj letova ka Londonu Air Serbia increases frequency of weekly ights to London Više od hiljadu čarter rotacija tokom leta More than a thousand charter turnarounds during this summer season Proširen kod-šer sporazum sa Atlasom i Er Evropom Codeshare agreement expands to include Atlasglobal and Air Europa 3 pitanja za Gorana Deretića, kapetana Three questions for Captain Goran Deretić 110 ― 129
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