Elevate March 2020 | Air Serbia

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he great interest of travellers has prompted Air Serbia to increase the number of ights between Belgrade and Istanbul at the begin- AIR SERBIA INTRODUCES ADDITIONAL FLIGHTS TO ISTANBUL Z T

bog izuzetno velikog interesovanja putnika Er Srbija će po- četkom glavne sezone povećati broj letova između Beogra- da i Istanbula tako da će do grada na Bosforu leteti sedam puta ne- deljno. Letove do popularne turske destinacije trenutno obavljamo tri puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom, sredom i petkom. – Impresivni rezultati na liniji Beograd–Istanbul pokazatelj su uspeha naše poslovne strategije i pravovremenog prepoznavanja prilika na tržištu. Pojačanje intenziteta letova uopšte ne iznenađu- je, imajući u vidu da je u pitanju popularno turističko odredište i raduje nas što će naši putnici imati na raspolaganju čak sedam le- tova nedeljno – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i stra- tegiju. Linija za Istanbul, nakon pauze od dve i po godine, ponovo je uspostavljena 11. decembra 2019, a avioni sleću na novi međuna- rodni aerodrom Istanbul, otvoren 2018.

ning of the peak summer season, ensuring that the Serbian national carrier will y to the city on the Bosphorus seven times a week. We currently operate ights to this popular Turkish destination three times a week – on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. According to Jiri Marek, Air Serbia’s Commercial and Strategy General Manager, “the impressive results of the Belgrade - Is- tanbul route are an indicator of the success of our business strategy and the timely recognition of market opportunities. The increase in ight intensity is not surprising at all, given that it is a popular tourist destination and we are delighted that our passengers will have as many as seven ights a week available.” Air Serbia restored its Istanbul route on 11 th December 2019 af- ter a break of two and a half years, while the airline’s aircraft are now land- ing at the new international Istanbul Airport, which was opened in 2018.

Od sredine februara putnici na letovima Er Sr- bije imaju priliku da uživaju u novom ukusu dva od naših brojnih konditorskih proizvoda. Keks to- to ima obogaćen ukus, dok je ukus noblica kre- mastiji. Ova dva proizvoda, koja se putnicima nu- de u okviru usluge Prodaja na letu , upakovana su u omot sa logotipom Er Srbije . As of mid-February, passengers on Air Serbia ights have gained the opportunity to enjoy the new tastes of two of our many complementary snack products. The Toto biscuit have an enriched taste, while the new No- blice cookie avour is cremoso. These two products, which are oered to guests as part of the “Buy-on-Board” ser- vice, are specially packaged in a wrapper sporting the Air Serbia logo.



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