S tarting this June, Serbia’s na- tional airline will establish routes from the country’s cap- ital to Geneva, Amman, Ros- tov-on-Don, Florence, Lviv and Chisinau Air Serbia has entered 2020 with six new routes in Europe and the Middle East. With these new ights, the oer of the Serbian national air carrier con- tinues growing this year, following the signicant expansion of 2019. Aircraft sporting the airline’s logo of a stylised two-headed eagle will land at Geneva airport three times a week. Air Serbia will operate four weekly ights on the new route to the Jordanian cap- ital of Amman, while Belgrade and Ros- tov-on-Don, an important city and port in southern Russia, will be connected via four ights a week. The Serbian ag carrier will operate two weekly ights between Belgrade and Florence in cen- tral Italy, while ights to the western Ukrainian city of Lviv will operate four times a week. Belgrade and the Moldo- van capital of Chisinau will be connect- ed through four ights a week. In addition to these new destina- tions, Air Serbia will be improving its connectivity by adding new frequen- cies to existing routes, such as Prague, Zagreb, Tirana, Skopje, Bucharest, Lju- bljana, Dubrovnik, Tivat and Larnaca. When it comes to Istanbul, the destina- tion launched on 11 th December 2019, the Serbian national airline will increase the number of weekly ights as of April, from the existing three to seven a week. “We continue the successful year in which we achieved a record num- ber of passengers carried, but which also saw a great expansion of the net- work and the launch of operations from two other airports in Serbia. Our goal is to remain the airline of choice for all passengers from the region and to thus support the further economic and tour- ist growth of the Republic of Serbia. In addition to expanding the reach of the international network, we continue to improve the quality of service based on new trends in the airline industry, as well as the opinions of our passengers”, said Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith. Serbia’s national airline last year es- tablished as many as ten new routes from Belgrade and twelve from Niš, as well as direct ights between Kraljevo and Vienna. Along with the addition of ights to six new destinations from Belgrade, Air Serbia will also establish a seasonal route this spring between Kraljevo’s Morava Airport and Greece’s Thessaloniki.
N acionalna avio-kompa- nija će od juna uvesti le- tove iz srpske prestoni- ce do Ženeve, Amana, Rostova na Donu, Firence, Lavova i Kišinjeva Er Srbija ulazi u 2020. godinu sa šest novih linija ka destinacijama u Evropi i Bliskom istoku. Novim leto- vima, ponuda srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika se i ove godine do- datno proširuje nakon značajne ek- spanzije u 2019. godini. Avioni sa logotipom stilizovanog dvoglavog orla sletaće na aerodrom u Ženevi tri puta, a do Amana, glav- nog grada Jordana, leteće četiri pu- ta nedeljno. Beograd i Rostov na Do- nu, koji predstavlja važan grad i luku u južnoj Rusiji, biće povezani sa če- tiri leta nedeljno. Srpski nacionalni avio-prevoznik će obavljati dva leta nedeljno između Beograda i Firence, grada u centralnoj Italiji, dok će se le- tovi do grada Lavova, na zapadu Ukra- jine, obavljati četiri puta nedeljno. Beo- grad i Kišinjev, glavni grad Moldavije, biće povezani sa četiri leta nedeljno. Uz nove destinacije Er Srbija će po- boljšati povezanost i dodavanjem no- vih frekvencija na postojećim linijama
kao što su Prag, Zagreb, Tirana, Sko- plje, Bukurešt, Ljubljana, Dubrovnik, Tivat i Larnaka. Kada je reč o Istanbu- lu, destinaciji do koje je linija pokre- nuta 11. decembra, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija će od aprila povećati broj nedeljnih letova sa sadašnjih tri na sedam puta nedeljno. – Nadovezujemo se na uspešnu go- dinu u kojoj smo prevezli rekordan broj putnika, ali i u kojoj smo imali najve- ću ekspanziju mreže destinacija i po- kretanje linija sa još dva aerodroma u Srbiji. Naš cilj je da ostanemo prvi izbor putnika iz regiona i tako podr- žimo dalji ekonomski i turistički rast Republike Srbije. Uz proširenje naše međunarodne mreže, nastavljamo da poboljšavamo kvalitet usluga u skla- du sa novim trendovima u avio-indu- striji, kao i na osnovu mišljenja naših putnika – izjavio je Dankan Nejsmit, generalni direktor Er Srbije . Nacionalna avio-kompanija je prošle godine pokrenula čak deset novih linija iz Beograda i 12 iz Niša, kao i direktne letove između Kraljeva i Beča. Uz uvođenje šest novih linija iz Beograda Er Srbija će na proleće ove godine pokrenuti i sezonsku liniju iz- među Aerodroma Morava i Soluna.
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