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postanu svetska atrakcija! Kišinjev je osnovan 1436. kao grad manastir i sve do 19. veka bio je malo mesto. Moldavija je 1812. pala pod rusku vlast i grad je postao centar Besarabije, bio je u okviru Rumunije između dva svetska rata, nakon čega ulazi u sastav Sovjetskog Saveza, šta ga čini zanimljivom mešavinom uticaja i kultura. Smešten je u centralnom delu zemlje na reci Bik, koja je pritoka Dnjestra. Reka izvire u šumi Kodri i u svom gornjem toku pravi duboki kanjon, što je svakako prirodna lepota koju treba obići, ali ne propustite da posetite park Stefan Veliki sa velikom statuom tog vladara na ulazu, Trijumfalnu kapiju, napravljenu u 19. veku, posvećenu rusko- turskom ratu, kao i muzej Aleksandra Puškina, koji je tamo jedno vreme proveo u izbeglištvu.

Divna mešavina uticaja i kultura Većina putnika voli popularne destinacije, ali zašto ne biste otkrili mesto u Evropi koje obiluje prirodnim lepotama, apsolutno fantastičnom kuhinjom, divnim ljudima i šarolikom kulturnom baštinom, a pritom je neverovatno jeftino? Moldavija i njena prestonica Kišinjev su možda najmanje posećena mesta u Evropi, ali imaju toliko toga da ponude da ne treba čekati da

Moldova came under Russian rule in 1812 and the city became the centre of Bessarabia. It was part of Romania between the two world wars, after which it became part of the USSR, which make it an interesting blend of influences and cultures. It is located in the central part of Moldova along the River Bîc, which is a tributary of the Dniester. The river emerges in the forests of Codri, where it carves a deep canyon in its upper course, which is certainly a natural beauty worth visiting, but also don’t miss out on visiting Ștefan cel Mare Central Park, which features a large monument to the ruler Stephen the Great at the entrance, a Triumphal Gate made in the 19 th century and dedicated to the Russo-Turkish War, and the Museum of Alexander Pushkin, who spent some time here while he was living in exile.


A wonderful mix of influences and cultures Most travellers love popular destinations, but why not discover a place in Europe that has a wealth of natural beauty, absolutely fantastic cuisine, wonderful people and a colourful cultural heritage; and which is incredibly cheap at the same time? Moldova, with its capital Chișinău, is perhaps the least visited country in Europe, but it has so much to offer that you shouldn’t wait for it to become a world attraction! Chișinău was founded in 1436 as a monastery city and remained a small town until the 19 th century.

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