Hothouse Flowers
During the ten days of the festival, the public can expect concerts, the lat- est and most signicant lm creations from Ireland, attractive exhibitions, lit- erary evenings, workshops and other at- tractive cultural events. Renowned Irish rock group Hothouse Flowers will per- form, while Festival guests will include, among others, one of the world’s most signicant lmmakers – famous Irish playwright, director and screenwriter Jim Sheridan. “The idea for me to invite Sheridan to attend the festival came about af- ter I watched Ivan Marinovic’s lm The Black Pin. This lm is a powerful state- ment about the people of his country. It reminded me of Jim Sheridan, who also made – along with Richard Harris – the very well-known lm The Field, about the Irish and their country,”said Belgrade Irish Festival Director Jas Kaminski. Sheridan will open Irish Film Week on 16 th March from 8pm at the Museum of Cinematography (Kosovska 11). This occasion will include a screening of his lm In the Name of the Father, after which this accomplished Irish director will con- verse with the audience in attendance. Five of his lms will be screened under the scope of Irish Film Week: My Left Foot, In the Name of the Father, The Boxer, The Field and In America. The lm programme will also include a screening of the documentary The Man Who Shot Beckett, which forms part of a special festival segment dedicat- ed to famous Irish writer Samuel Beckett. In addition to the lm, the audience is also awaited by a series of lectures, thea- tre plays, and the photo ex- hibition “Beckett on Film”... Within the framework of the festival’s Visual Arts pro- gramme, famous street artist James Earley will paint a mural in Belgrade city centre, while the public will also have an opportunity to see an exhibition of the works of fa- mous Irish photographer Nigel Swann. Thanks to the Belgrade Irish Festi- val, the Serbian capital will this year once again join other major world cities that commemorate 17 th March, the Irish na- tional holiday of St. Patrick’s Day, while several locations throughout the city, in- cluding Ada Bridge, will be lit up in lights of Irish green.
BEOGRAD SLAVI SVETOG PATRIKA Osmi beogradski irski festival, koji se održava od 13. do 22. marta pod sloganom „Springtime in Belgrade!“ na više lokacija u Beogradu, predstaviće neke od najzanimljivijih segmenata očaravajuće irske kulture The 8 th Belgrade Irish Festival, to be held from 13 th to 22 nd March under the slogan “Springtime in Belgrade!”, will present some of the most interesting segments of the enchanting Irish culture at numerous locations across Belgrade BELGRADE CELEBRATES ST. PATRICK’S DAY
Tokom deset dana festivala pu- bliku očekuju koncert, najznačajnija i najnovija filmska ostvarenja iz Irske, atraktivne izložbe, književne večeri, ra- dionice i drugi atraktivni kulturni do- gađaji. Nastupiće poznati irski sastav Hothouse Flowers , a gost festivala bi- će, između ostalih, poznati irski redi- telj i scenarista Džim Šeridan, jedan od najznačajnijih svetskih sineasta. – Ideja da pozovem Šeridana da dođe na festival rodila se nakon što sam pogledao film Igla ispod praga Ivana Marinovića. Taj film je snažna izjava o narodu u njegovoj zemlji. Pod- setio me je na Džima Šeridana, koji je takođe sa Ričardom Harisom sni- mio veoma poznat film The Field o Ircima i njihovoj zemlji – izjavio je Jas Kaminski, direktor Festivala. Šeridan će 16. marta u 20 časova u Muzeju Kinoteke (Kosovska 11) otvo- riti Irsku filmsku nedelju . Tom prili- kom biće prikazan njegov film U ime oca , a nakon projekcije će poznati ir- ski reditelj razgovarati sa publikom. U okviru Irske filmske nedelje biće prikazano pet njegovih filmova: Moje levo stopalo , U ime oca , Bokser , The Field i In America . U okviru filmskog programa bi- će prikazan i dokumentarni film The Man Who Shot Beckett , koji je deo
posebnog festivalskog segmen- ta posvećenog čuvenom irskom piscu Samjuelu Beketu. Osim fil- ma, publiku očekuju i serija preda- vanja, pozorišne predstave, izlož- ba fotografija Beckett on Film ... U okviru programa Vizuelne umetno- sti čuveni strit-art umetnik Džejms Erli oslikaće mural u centru Beogra- da, a publika će imati priliku i da vi- di i izložbu poznatog irskog fotografa Najdžela Svona. Glavni grad će se, zahvaljujući Be- ogradskom irskom festivalu, pridružiti svetskim metropolama koje 17. marta obeležavaju Svetog Patrika, irski na- cionalni praznik, pa će nekoliko lo- kacija, uključujući Most na Adi, biti osvetljeno zelenim svetlom.
Džim Šeridan, reditelj sjajnog filma U ime oca , dolazi u Beograd Jim Sheridan, director of the great film ‘In the Name of the Father’ is coming to Belgrade
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