The powerful Instagram society dictates trends, so behind a few hashtags about plants hide millions of visitors... Thus, it’s worth having a plant to worry about if you ask the average millennial. And not one but many. And if it is only one then let it be valuable – we mean big
Moćna „Instagram“ družina diktira trendove, pa se iza nekoliko haštagova o biljkama krije više miliona posetilaca... Dakle, valja imati biljku o kojoj brinete ako pitate prosečnog milenijalca. I to ne jednu, nego više njih. A ako je jedna, nek je vredna – mislimo velika
A lthough we all know that plants are useful, beautiful, seek care and reciprocate with beauty, at one point they were banished from most homes com- pletely unjustiably. Well, now they are back. And we hope that they are here to stay. Judging by increases in purchases of plants and manuals for their cultivation, it seems obvious that they will contin- ue to be trendy for a long time to come. Much has been said and written about millennials who refuse to live by the established rules, who avoid oce work whilst simultaneously restoring some true values to the focus of interest. Alongside recycling and talk of sustain- ability in every sense, house plants have also returned to the fore. It is enough to type“#plants”into your Instagram brows- er and continue scrolling through the feed to easily see which plants are among the favourites and to get ideas on how to present them. Unusually, they are interested in ordinary plants that are easy to grow, while at the same time the ways in which they are arranged are completely innova- tive. Plants hang from the ceiling, stand on plinths or curl around mirrors… Of
course, however much new generations love plants, nature and the whole organ- ic story, plants need to be photographed well. When it comes to popularity, the convincing number one is a monster, a plant with large, interesting leaves that dominate an interior and simultaneous- ly introduce a touch of exoticism to con- temporary homes. Ficus g plants and thick succulents of various kinds appear further down the list of popular plants. Also popular are creepers, which dier from the old ones in that they are no longer standing on high shelves, but rather hanging from the ceiling. The new generation can also be cred- ited with the idea of going high when you’re unable to go wide. And thus they’ve developed various options for green walls from special types of plants, mostly mosses that can survive in such a setting. Instead of the once dominant mini libraries, high shelves along walls are now stacked with pots of aunting plants. Those abandoned glass jars from the basement have also found their use, and if you place holders along the en- tire wall and attach plant pots, don’t hes- itate – take a picture and head straight for Instagram.
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