izvođač te muzike. Naravno da se u međuvremenu mnogo toga promeni- lo. Svet je preplavljen velikim brojem muzičkih žanrova, stilova, ritmova... Razvojem tehnologije sve se ubrzalo, pa tako i publika ima manje strplje- nja da sluša lagane romanse i poeziju. Ali ako nešto radite iz dubokog ube- đenja, iskreno i sa jakom emocijom, što je naš slučaj, onda imate sreċu da to nađe put do ljudi koji tu emociju umeju da prepoznaju i prime. Kažete da je romska muzika či- sta emocija bez pakovanja. Šta je to što je čini tako neodolji- vom? – Romska muzika jeste čista emo- cija. Ogoljena, neoptereċena društve- nim normama i pravilima. Čista strast obgrljena prelepom muzikom koja no- si i radost, i tugu, i ljubav, i bes. Ona može da vas rasplače svojom lepo- tom i podigne da plešete do nesanja- nih granica. Samo ime „Ođila“ zapravo zna- či muzika duše? – Ođila je kovanica nastala od dve reči – ođi znači duša, đila znači pesma. Dakle, duša pesme ili pesme iz duše, kako vam drago. Ljudi su često mislili da ste za- ista ruski Cigani. Govorite li romski i možete li da zamisli- te da živite životom čergara? – Ne govorimo romski, mada je naš Boban Simonoviċ najviše učio taj jezik. Naš život i jeste u neku ru- ku čergarski, jer smo često na putu i uvek među novim i nepoznatim lju- dima prinuđeni da se jedni drugima prilagodimo. Emocije nas spoje, a on- da nastavimo nekim novim drumovi- ma. Tako se zove i pesma kojom uvek završavamo koncert. Kako ste se odlučili baš za tu vrstu muzike? – Verovatno smo u to vreme bili okruženi tom vrstom muzike, pa nas je svojom lepotom i snagom uvukla u svoje naručje. Prosto smo joj se pre- pustili bez ikakve kalkulacije i ona nas nežno nosi do današnjih dana. Šta ćete nam ponuditi u martu? Hoćemo li ponovo slušati neza- boravne pesme iz filma Cigani lete u nebo? – Na koncertu ċe se naċi pesme ko- je naša publika očekuje od nas. Narav- no da ċe biti pesama iz filma Cigani lete u nebo , kao i iz filmova Surova romansa , Moja slatka umiljata zver, Osmi dan u nedelji . Pozvali smo ko- lege da nam pomognu kako bismo publici priuštili san na javi.
S ince it rst formed, Ođila has per- formed recognisable Roma music around the world, relying on the tradition of the Romen Theatre in Moscow and music from legendary lms like the unforgettable Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven. The media often presented them as an authentic Gypsy band from Mos- cow, which speaks volumes about the way they perform Roma music. Ođila has been on the scene for more than 30 years, and it was way back in 1988 that the band repre- sented Yugoslavia at the World Roma Music Festival in London, where they also thrilled the famous Gipsy Kings... It was 30 years ago that Yugoslavia fell to the sounds of Romani Russian mu- sic and Ođila achieved fame beyond the borders of the country. Is there still love for such sounds today, or have things changed? “Russian Gypsy music experienced huge popularity 30 years ago, a real boom, and so did Ođila, as performers of that music. Of course, a lot has changed in the meantime. The world has been ood- ed with a large number of music genres, styles, rhythms... Everything has sped up with the development of technology, and so the audience has less patience to listen to light romances and poetry. But if you do something out of deep conviction, honestly and with great emotion, which is the case with us, then you are lucky enough to nd the right way to people who are capable of recognising and receiving that emotion.” You say that Roma music is pure emo- tion without trimmings. What is it that makes it so irresistible? “Roma music is indeed pure emo- tion. Stripped bare, unburdened by social norms and rules. Pure passion embraced by beautiful music that carries joy and sad-
Ođila je kovanica nastala od dve reči – ođi znači duša, đila znači pesma “Ođila is a compound word coined from two Romani words - ođi meaning soul, and đila meaning song
ness and love and anger. It can make you weep with its beauty and lift you to dance to undreamt of limits.” Does the name Ođila itself actually mean music of the soul? “Ođila is a compound word coined from two Romani words - ođi meaning soul, and đila meaning song. So, soul song or song of the soul, whichever you prefer.” People often thought you were really Russian gypsies. Do you speak Roma- ni and can you imagine living the life of wandering travellers yourselves? “We don’t speak Romani, although our Boban Simonoviċ learnt the language the most. Our life is in some ways as wander- ers, because we are often on the road and always compelled to adapt to one anoth- er among new and unknown people. It is emotions that connect us, and then we con- tinue along some new roads. That’s also the name of the song with which we always end a concert.” How did you opt for this type of mu- sic in particular? “At that time we were probably sur- rounded by more of that kind of music, so it lured us into its embrace with its beau- ty and strength. We simply gave ourselves to it without any kind of calculations and it has carried us tenderly to this day.” What will you oer us in March? Will we again hear the unforgettable songs of the lm Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven? “The concert will include songs that our audiences expect of us. Of course there will be songs from the lm Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven, as well as from the lms A Cru- el Romance, The Shooting Party and Eighth Day of the Week. We invited colleague guest performers to help us treat the audience to a waking dream.”
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