Elevate August 2021 | Air Serbia


kopilota Đura Čepića Tri pitanja za...

Three questions for...

first officer Đuro Čepić

Do pilots eat the same food as the passengers aboard the plane, and if not why? “Food for the crew is specially prepared, but the pilots eat different meals at different times for health and safety reasons”. Can you leave the cockpit when the autopilot is turned on? “The autopi-

Da li vi, piloti, jedete istu hranu kao i

putnici u avionu i ako ne – zašto?

– Za posadu se hrana posebno pripre- ma, ali piloti jedu različite obroke u različi- to vreme iz bezbednosnih, odnosno zdrav- stvenih razloga. Možete li da napustite kokpit kada je uključen auto- pilot? – Autopilot

lot eases the worklo- ad of the pilot signifi- cantly, but it cannot replace the need for the pilot to be pre- sent in the cockpit. The pilot can leave

značajno olakša- va radno optere- ćenje pilota, ali ne može da zameni prisustvo pilota u kokpitu. Pilot mo- že da napusti kok- pit radi određenih razloga, ali je uslov da za komandama ostane najmanje drugi pilot te da uz njega za to vre- me u kokpitu bude još jedan član po- sade. Da li umete da „vozite“ sve ti- pove aviona? – Osim osnov- nog školovanja,

the cockpit for certa- in reasons, but only on condition that the second pilot at least remains behind the commands, and that they are joined in the cockpit by another crew member during that time.” Are you capable of “handling” all types of planes? “Alongside basic training, every type of air- liner requires special training that is both com- plex and demanding. Training to operate a spe- cific type of aircraft encompasses teaching in a classroom, on a flight simulator and on the plane itself, in order for the pilot to be trained to hand- le that particular plane. As such, there are cle- ar limitations on one’s ability to operate all types of aircraft.”

svaki tip putničkog aviona traži posebno školovanje, koje je složeno i zahtevno. Ško- lovanje za upravljanje određenim tipom avi- ona obuhvata nastavu u učinionici, na si- mulatoru letenja te na samom avionu kako bi se pilot osposobio baš za taj određeni avion. Samim tim postoje jasna ograniče- nja u vezi sa mogućnošću upravljanja svim tipovima aviona.

Piloti jedu različite obroke u različito vreme iz bezbednosnih, odnosno zdravstvenih razloga Pilots eat different meals at different times for health and safety reasons

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