Elevate August 2021 | Air Serbia


titude towards myself, but I’m also realistic. Bože zdrav- lja addresses that.” You will again perform to the audience on the BitefArtCafe Summer Stage after a long break. Are you looking forward to that? “We are, of course, looking forward to it. We can hard- ly wait. e Belgrade audience is hospitable and we hav- en’t been for a long time. We’ll play a selection of the most popular songs, and we’ll also consider requests. Let’s hope that the epidemiological situation doesn’t worsen and that we’ll finally really face the audience. Of course, you’re wel- come to attend.” Many artists used the previous period, when performances weren’t possible, to create new songs. Were you also creative? “What else can a person do in isolation other than write? Many colleagues have released new material, but it’s still too early for us. In situations like a pandemic, a certain period of time is required for a work to be complete. For everything to settle a little. On the other hand, such situ- ations teach us patience, as one of life’s elementary disci-

INTERVIEW DINO ŠARAN, MUSICIAN Letu štuke over Belgrade Music is an impulse for me, a game. Rhythm, melody and word. The desire for freedom. Music is a mirror of society. That which we live is also that which we listen to. For me, it has always been one of the key elements in life F ollowing a rich summer season during which Bel- grade’s BitefArtCafe club hosted a large number of regional stars, for the first time, on 26 th Au- gust, the BitefArtCafe Summer Stage on Kala- megdan is hosting a performance of legendary

Bosnian group Letu Štuke [Flight of the Dive Bomb- er], led by lead singer and prominent songwriter Di- no Šaran. is group attracted great interest across the entire region with its very first studio album, released in 2005, proving popular both with the public and among critics, who imme- diately ranked Letu Štuke among the leading alterna- tive pop titles. e group’s subsequent two studio al- bums secured its cult sta- tus among a large num- ber of fans. Šaran’s lyrics, which are very intimate, succinct, truthful, and al-

plines. You can ex- pect new songs, regardless.” You lived in par- allel between Sarajevo and Za- greb. Can you tell us three things you like the most about these cities? “Sarajevo is my hometown, so that means the emo- tions are strong- est there. I’ve al- ways returned again and again. I lived in Zagreb during one period and have retained

Volim da letim, dok pročitam vaš magazin i popijem nešto, već smo stigli, a Er Srbiju volim i jer će jednog dana možda postojati avion s mojim imenom I like to fly. By the time I read your magazine and drink something, we’ve already arrived, and I also love Air Serbia because it might one day have a plane with my name on it

ways relevant and poignant, are one of the main reasons that this group has remained at the very top of the music scene for years. e upcoming Belgrade concert provided a good opportunity for us to talk with Dino about music, life, isolation and creativity… It was almost three years ago that you released your fourth album, spearheaded by the sin- gle “God give us health”. What does that song mean to you from today’s perspective? “It means the same as it did then: a statement about a life attitude. And also a prayer. Everything changes con- stantly, and therefore an attitude towards life is essential, as the foundation that we fall back on when life breaks us. at which we truly received from God and is good both for us and others. I have a fairly critical personal at-

strong private and professional ties with it to this day. I know those streets and gladly return to them. I love my own side of Zagreb.” Is there anything that makes Belgrade special for you? “Certainly. Belgrade is still the largest ‘bazaar’ of the former country. Nobody else has that laidback nature and ease in communication. Apart from that, Belgraders are always top hosts, and I have many friends in your city. I send greetings to Belgrade.” Do you like to fly? “Yes! By the time I read your magazine and drink some- thing, we’ve already arrived. I love Air Serbia because it might one day have a plane with my name on it. Until then, I wish you plenty of success.”

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