Razglednica /Postcard
BUDVA BUDVA Sea Dance se vraća na plažu
PARIZ PARIS Ajfelova kula ponovo otvorena
SARAJEVO SARAJEVO Počasno srce za Vima Vendersa
EIFFEL TOWER REOPENS With “welcome” messages in multiple lan- guages, the Eiffel Tower greeted tourists af- ter a break of nearly nine months, reopening to the public even as France introduces new virus rules. Smiles were broad and emotions palpable as the first masked visitors entered the lifts that head to the top of this famous monument. All Eiffel Tower visitors aged over 18 will need to show a „health pass“ proving that they’ve been fully vaccinated, had a ne- gative virus test or recently recovered from COVID-19. Masks are mandatory, while the number of daily visitors to the tower will be li- mited to about half the pre-pandemic norm of 25,000. negativan test na virus ili su se nedavno oporavili od kovida-19. Potrebne su maske, a broj dnevnih posetilaca kule biće ograni- čen na otprilike polovinu od broja pre pan- demije. Porukama dobrodošlice na više jezika Ajfe- lov toranj je pozdravio turiste nakon skoro devet meseci ponovo otvorivši svoje kapi- je za javnost čak i u trenutku kad Francu- ska uvodi nova pandemijska pravila. Osme- si su bili široki, a emocije opipljive kad su se prvi posetioci popeli na pariski spome- nik. Svi stariji od 18 godina moraju da poka- žu „zdravstvenu propusnicu“, koja dokazu- je da su u potpunosti vakcinisani, da imaju
Sarajevo će i ove godine biti domaćin film- skog festivala, koji će se održati od 13. do 20. augusta. Glumica Jasna Đuričić pred- sednica je žirija takmičarskog programa – Igrani film 27. Sarajevo film festival, a re- ditelj Vim Venders će u znak priznanja za izuzetan doprinos filmskoj umetnosti dobi- ti nagradu Počasno srce Sarajeva . U sklo- pu programa Posvećeno biće prikazana re- trospektiva njegovih odabranih filmova, a reditelj će održati i masterklas. Festival će organizovati i posebnu projekciju novore- staurirane verzije njegovog filma Hotel od milion dolara .
SEA DANCE RETURNS TO THE BEACH After taking a break last year, the Sea Dance Festival, a winner of the award for the Best European Festival, is returning to the turquoise bay of Budva’s Buljarica Beach from 27 th to 29 th August. This seventh edition of the festival brings a fantastic line-up to Montenegro that comprises top international and regional music stars of the electronic and trap/hip hop scenes, led by Boris Brejcha, Maceo Plex, Tale Of Us, Senidah, Vojko V, Ann Clue, Tijana T and z++, as well as locals Who See, P.S., 84Bit and Raven TK in a b2b set with Proximus. The Sea Dance Festival has positioned itself as the strongest festival being held on the Adriatic coast this summer. Sea Dance , dobitnik nagrade za najbo- lji evropski festival, nakon godine pauze na četiri dana se vraća u tirkiznu uvalu pla- že Buljarica u Budvi od 27. do 29. avgusta. Sedmo izdanje festivala u Crnu Goru dono- si fantastičan line up sastavljen od vodećih međunarodnih i regionalnih muzičkih zvez- da elektronske i trap/hip hop scene ko- je predvode Boris Brejcha, Maceo Plex, Ta- le Of Us, Senidah, Vojko V, Ann Clue, Tijana T, z++, domaćini Who See kao i P.S., 84Bit i Raven TK u b2b setu sa Proximusom. Sea Dance se pozicionirao kao najjači festival na Jadranskoj obali ovog leta..
Sarajevo will once again host its traditional film festival, which will this year be held from 13 th to 20 th August. The jury of the 27 th Sarajevo Film Festival’s Feature Film Competition Programme will be presided over by Serbian actress Jasna Đuričić, while German filmmaker Wim Wenders will be awarded the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo in recognition of his outstanding contribution to film art. The festival’s “Dedicated” programme will include a retrospective of Wenders’ selected films, while he will also hold a masterclass. The festival will also organise a special screening of the newly restored version of his film The Million Dollar Hotel.
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