Imajući u vidu pojačanu tražnju i aktuelne promene u ograničenjima putovanja, Er Srbija je odlučila da uveća obim saobraćaja ka najpopularnijim destinacijama u svojoj mreži
Having in mind the increased demand and shifting changes to travel restrictions, Air Serbia has decided to increase the number of flights to the most popular destinations in its network
PROŠIRENA KOD-ŠER SARADNJA SA KOMPANIJOM TURKIŠ ERLAJNZ Er Srbija i Turkiš erlajnz proširili su postojeći kod-šer ugovor postavljanjem oznake za let (marketing koda) na dodatne destinacije u okviru saobraćajnih mre- ža partnera. Unapređenje saradnje će putnicima obe kompanije obezbediti više mogućnosti za putovanja preko matičnih aerodroma Er Srbije i Turkiš erlajnza . Dva avio-prevoznika trenutno imaju sopstvenu ozna- ku za let na letovima drugog partnera na relaciji Be- ograd–Istanbul. Unapređenjem partnerstva Er Sr- bija će svoj marketing kod postaviti na letove Turkiš erlajnza za Odesu, Kijev, Kairo, Aman i Tel Aviv pre- ko Istanbula, kao i na lokalne letove ka destinacijama u Turskoj kao što su Izmir, Antalija, Bodrum, Ankara, Gazipaša, Adana, Dalaman, Gaziantep, Kajseri, Ko- nija i Trabzon. Turkiš erlajnz će svoj marketing kod do- dati na letove Er Srbije za Banjaluku i Tivat preko Beo- grada. Zahvaljujući proširenom kod-šer sporazumu, putnici će imati mogućnost da kupe kartu sa kodom
BY ADDING ANOTHER WEEKLY FLIGHT TO Oslo, on Tues- days, the Serbian national airline will operate a total of four fli- ghts a week to the Norwegian capital until 17 th August. Alon- gside the aforementioned changes, passengers will also have access to an additional 1,728 seats on flights to the Norwegian capital - a destination that became one of the most popular destinations in Air Serbia’s network, despite the pandemic, very quickly after being introduced in July 2020. “Having in mind the increased demand and shifting chan- ges to travel restrictions, we’ve decided to increase the num- ber of flights to the most popular destinations in our network and provide even better connectivity to our passengers. These are primarily destinations that have traditionally been of interest to our passengers for years, with the exception of the flights to Oslo, which were only launched last year but have already be- come one of the most popular routes, which makes us very glad,” said Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager, Commercial and Strategy. Six round-trip flights will be added to the Belgrade-Stoc- kholm route until 19 th August, providing an additional 1,728 se- ats. During the same period, Air Serbia will operate up to four flights a week to the Swedish capital. With the introduction of 11 additional flights, or 3,168 additional seats, Air Serbia will ope- rate up to seven weekly flights to Vienna in the period until 25 th September. AIR SERBIA INCREASES FREQUENCY OF FLIGHTS TO EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS In response to increased demand, Air Serbia is increasing its number of flights to several European destinations, namely Amsterdam, Stockholm, Oslo and Vienna, until 29 th September
jednog prevoznika kada započinju puto- vanje iz Beograda ili Istanbula do nave- denih odredišta, što će im dodatno olak- šati putovanje. CODESHARE AGREEMENT WITH TURKISH AIRLINES EXPANDED Air Serbia and Turkish Airlines have expan- ded their existing code- share agreement, with the addition of each other’s marketing codes to additional desti-
nations within the partners’ network. Through this en- hanced cooperation, the two airlines will provide the- ir passengers with more opportunities to travel through the hubs of Air Serbia and Turkish Airlines. The two airlines currently display their own marke- ting code on each other’s flights along the Belgra- de-Istanbul route. Thanks to this expanded partners- hip, Air Serbia will place its marketing code on flights of Turkish Airlines to Odessa, Kiev, Cairo, Amman and Tel Aviv via Istanbul, as well as on local flights to destinati- ons in Turkey, such as Izmir, Antalya, Bodrum, Ankara, Gazipasa, Adana, Dalaman, Gaziantep, Kayseri, Konya
and Trabzon. Turkish Airlines will add its marketing code to Air Serbia flights heading via Belgrade to Banja Luka and Tivat. Thanks to this, passengers will have an opportunity to buy tickets with one of the carrier’s codes when they start their trip, either from Belgrade or Istanbul, to the aforementioned desti- nations, thus further easing their travel.
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