E S / A S
Leteti je lepše…
r Srbija se ubrzano priprema za predsto- jeću zimsku sezonu. Tokom zimskog reda
letenja, počev od 27. oktobra 2019. godine, Er Srbija će povećati broj letova na svojim redov- nim linijama iz Beograda do Bukurešta, Larna- ke, Soluna, Tirane i Venecije. Osim toga, Er Sr- bija će tokom zime nastaviti da obavlja redovan saobraćaj na nedavno uvedenim linijama iz Be- ograda ka Barseloni, Kairu, Helsinkiju, Kijevu, Krasnodaru, Madridu i Rijeci. Sve nedavno uve- dene rute iz Niša nastaviće se i tokom zimske sezone. Izuzev letnje linije do Tivta, avioni će iz Niša leteti ka Bolonji, Budimpešti, Frankfur- tu (Han), Fridrihshafenu, Geteborgu, Hanoveru, Karlsrueu (Baden Baden), Ljubljani, Nirnbergu, Rimu i Salcburgu. Prema analizi specijalizova- nog sajta EksJuEviejšn, Er Srbija će u ovu zimsku sezonu ući sa najvećim povećanjem broja leto- va u odnosu na ostale evropske avio-kompanije.
According to the specialized website ExYuAviation, Air Serbia will enter this winter with the largest increase in the number of ights compared to other European airlines Prema analizi specijalizovanog sajta EksJuEviejšn, „Er Srbija“ će u ovu zimsku sezonu ući sa najvećim povećanjem broja letova u odnosu na ostale evropske avio-kompanije
ir Serbia is preparing for the forthcoming winter season. During the winter ight schedule, launch-
ing as of 27 th October 2019, Air Serbia will increase the number of ights on its scheduled routes from Belgrade to Bucharest, Larnaca, Thessaloniki, Tirana and Venice. Ad- ditionally, during winter Air Serbia will continue opera- tions to its recently introduced routes from Belgrade to Barcelona, Cairo, Helsinki, Kiev, Krasnodar, Madrid and Ri- jeka. Flight operations along all recently launched routes from Niš will continue during the winter season. With the exception of the seasonal route to Tivat, services will con- tinue from Niš to Bologna, Budapest, Frankfurt Hahn, Frie- drichshafen, Gothenburg, Hanover, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden, Ljubljana, Nuremburg, Rome Fiumicino and Salzburg. Ac- cording to the specialised website ExYuAviation, Air Ser- bia will enter this winter with the largest increase in the number of ights compared to other European airlines.
Flying is better when you do not wait for your luggage Are you already running late and don’t have time to wait for your luggage to appear on the baggage collection conveyor belt? Mark your luggage with a “Priority” label. This service ensures your luggage will be delivered immediately to the baggage collection point. … kad ne čekate prtljag da čekate da vam prtljag izađe na traci? Er Srbija ima rešenje. Označite svoj prtljag nalepnicom Prioritet . Ta usluga znači da će vaš kofer na traku biti isporučen odmah na početku. Već kasnite, svaka sekunda je dragocena i nemate kad
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