Elevate October 2019 | Air Serbia

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Zahvaljujući angažovanom nastupu naše čarter-službe na tržištima Turske i Egipta i saradnji sa tur-operatorima, turi- stički letovi do Antalije i Hurgade ove godine će se obavlja- ti duže nego što je to uobičajeno za letnju sezonu. Posled- nji ovogodišnji sezonski let Avioleta sa srpskim turistima na liniji za Antaliju obaviće se 13. oktobra uz još jednu mo- guću rotaciju, a za Hurgadu 3. novembra. Čarter-letovi ka turističkim destinacijama u Grčkoj, Španiji i Italiji i ove godi- ne trajaće do prve nedelje oktobra.

Koliko dugo radite kao pilot i koji deo Srbije je iz vazduha, po vama, najlepši? – Letenjem se bavim od 16. godine. Od jedrilica, malih sportskih avi- ona u aero-klubu, pa do danas, kada sam instruktor na avionu erbas 320 . Srbija je prelepa zemlja i svojim zelenilom i orografijom dosta podseća na Švajcarsku. Prelep je gotovo svaki njen deo, ali prizor koji najčešće vi- đamo, a to je ušće Save u Dunav, izgleda zaista impresivno, naročito pri zalasku sunca. Koja je najveća zabluda koju ljudi imaju o pilotskom pozivu? – Najveća zabluda ljudi o našem pozivu je da mi ostajemo u svakom gradu ka kom letimo i uživamo u čarima svih tih destinacija. Istina je, nažalost, potpuno drugačija. Sve te gradove uglavnom viđamo iz vazdu- ha, a zadržavamo se najčešće 50 minuta, i to na stajanci aerodroma. Vrlo retko ostajemo u nekom gradu, što i dalje ne mogu da objasnim prijate- ljima, koji na pomen Pariza kažu – blago tebi. Kad ste shvatili da želite da bude- te pilot? – Još u srednjoj školi mi se dopao taj po-


ziv prilikom posete lokalnom aero-klubu. Vrlo brzo sam postao član i zavoleo sport- sko letenje. Ipak, ideja da postanem sao- braćajni pilot izgledala mi je daleko i ne- dostižno. Odlazak u školu rezervnih oficira avijacije JNA mi je doneo iskustvo vojnog letenja i još više podgrejao moju želju da po- stanem pilot. Na kraju upis u Jatovu akade- miju bilo je ostvarenje mog dečačkog sna. How long have you been working as a pilot and which part of Serbia do you nd the most beautiful from the air? “I’ve been ying since I was 16 years old. From small sports glider planes at the aero-club, to my pres- ent position as an instructor on Airbus 320 planes. Serbia is a beautiful country and, with its greenery

REKORDAN PRIHOD KONTAKT CENTRA OD PRODAJE KARATA Samo tokom avgusta na aerodromu u Nišu opslužen je re- kordan broj od gotovo 50.000 putnika. Prema najnovijim statističkim podacima koji su objavljeni na sajtu niškog ae- rodroma, broj od 49.898 putnika u avgustu veći je za 61 od- sto u odnosu na isti mesec 2018. godine. U prvih osam me- seci letelo je 251.202 putnika, što je za šest odsto više u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. Thanks to our charter ight service’s dedicated work on the markets of Turkey and Egypt, and cooperation with travel agents, ights to Antalya and Hurghada will operate for an extended period compared to the norm for the summer sea- son. This year’s last seasonal charter ight with Serbian tour- ists to Antalya will be on 13 th October, with one more rota- tion also possible, while the last ight to Hurghada will be conducted on 3 rd November. Charter ights to tourist desti- nations in Greece, Spain and Italy will this year also continue until the rst week of October.

and topography, is quite reminiscent of Switzerland. Almost every part of the country is beautiful, but the scene that we most often see - the conuence of the Sava and the Dan- ube - looks really impressive, especially during sunset.” What is the greatest misconception that people have regarding the pilot’s calling? “People’s greatest misconception regarding our calling is that we stay in every city that we y to and that we enjoy the charms of all of those destinations. The truth, unfortunate- ly, is completely dierent. We usually see all those cities from the air and most commonly stay for only 50 minutes, and do so parked at the airport apron. We very rarely stay in a city, which I’m still unable to explain to friends, who at the mention of Paris, say“lucky you”.” When did you realise that you wanted to be a pilot? “It was back in secondary school that I took a liking to this calling during a visit to the local aero-club. I quickly became a member and fell in love with sports ying. However, the idea that I could become a commercial pilot them seemed remote and unattainable. Attending the the Yugoslav National Army School of Reserve Aviation Ocers brought me the experience of military ying and further fuelled my desire for the piloting vocation. In the end, enrolling in the JAT Academy represented the realisation of my boyhood dream.”


Niš Constantine the Great Airport served a record number of ne- arly 50,000 passengers during August alone. According to the latest statistical results, published on the website of Niš Airport, the August gure of 49,898 passengers represents an increa- se of 61 per cent compared to the same month of 2018. During the rst eight months of this year, 251,202 passengers ew from Niš, which is six per cent more than in the same period last year.

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