I don’t board a plane without a sense of excite- ment that I’m about to y. Among practical items, I carry a charger for my phone and similar stu, so I can survive until my suitcase arrives. I also carry protein bars, almonds, as I often don’t like the food I receive. WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT PLANES? My enthusiasm for aeroplanes dates all the way back to my childhood. My favourite lm was Top Gun, which I certainly watched two hundred times. I collected model planes, assembling them, and of course I wanted to become a pilot. The ex- citement of ying doesn’t cease, and I even had the opportunity to operate a small plane back in 1990, that dream of mine also came true! I’m still fascinated by the fact that you can reach the other side of the planet so quickly; that’s one magic spell that still binds me. I know every time I board a plane that a completely dierent world awaits me. WHICH DESTINATION HAS REMAINED IN YOUR MEMORIES? The rst place that comes to mind is Bali, Indone- sia, 2004. Bali is one of the most fascinating and exciting places I’ve seen in my life. I was in Japan a year ago with my girlfriend Danijela. I’m still im- pacted by my impressions from that trip. It turned out that the Far East has the strongest impression on me. When it comes to cities, Rome is the one that has the greatest atmosphere and charm for me. But Bali is number one! WHY DO YOU LOVE BELGRADE? That’s a complicated question. I primarily love Bel- grade because it doesn’t give in; it’s a strong city. It has preserved its irresistible appeal and charm, mostly through the people who live there. Bel- grade never ceases to amaze me, oering a mas- sive range of contents despite being an intimate and small city. Even boredom is fun there.
Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Vesna Lalić
KOJA VAM JE DESTINACIJA OSTALA U SEĆANJU? Prvo što mi padne na pamet je Bali, Indonezija, 2004. Bali je nešto najfascinantnije i najuzbudljivije što sam video u životu. Sa devojkom Danijelom sam pre godinu dana bio u Japanu. I dalje sam pod utiskom tog puta. Ispada da Daleki istok ostavlja najjači utisak na mene. Od gradova Rim po meni ima najviše atmosfere i šmeka. Ali Bali je broj jedan! ZAŠTO VOLITE BEOGRAD? To je kompleksno pitanje. Beograd vo- lim pre svega zato što se ne da, to je je- dan snažan grad. Sačuvao je svoj neo- doljivi šmek i šarm, uglavnom kroz ljude koji žive u njemu. Beograd ne prestaje da me iznenađuje, nudi ogroman sadr- žaj, a opet je intiman i mali grad. U nje- mu je čak i dosada zabavna.
BEZ ČEGA NE ULAZITE U AVION? Ne ulazim u avion bez uzbuđenja što ću le- teti. Od praktičnih stvari nosim punjač za te- lefon i slično, da mogu da preživim dok mi dođe kofer. Nosim i proteinske barove, ba- deme, često mi klopa koju dobijem ne od- govara. ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? Oduševljenost avionima kod mene dati- ra još od detinjstva. Moj omiljeni film je bio Top gan , gledao sam ga sigurno 200 pu- ta. Skupljao sam makete aviona, sklapao ih i naravno želeo da budem pilot. Ushićenje le- tenjem ne prestaje, čak sam imao priliku da 1990. vozim jedan mali avion, i taj san mi se ostvario! I dalje sam fasciniran činjenicom da tako brzo stigneš na drugi kraj plane- te, to je čarolija koja me drži. Svaki put kad uđem u avion znam da me čeka neki potpu- no drugi svet.
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