Elevate October 2019 | Air Serbia



BIOSKOP U DŽEPU RTS Planeta otvorila je vrata svog Bioskopa i omogućila korisnicima u Srbiji da gledaju omi- ljene filmove gde god da se nalaze! Sa bilo kog pametnog uređaja ili ličnog kompjutera korisni- ci RTS Planete sa teritorije Srbije mogu pristupiti ekskluzivnom izboru od 400 festivalskih, umet- ničkih, animiranih, porodičnih i dokumentarnih filmova iz svetske kinematografije.

CINEMA IN YOUR POCKET RTS Planet has opened the doors of its Cine- ma and enabled users in Serbia to watch the- ir favourite lms wherever they happen to be! From any smart device or personal computer, RTS Planet users from the territory of Serbia can access an exclusive selection of 400 festi- val, artistic, animated, family and documentary lms from world cinematography.

BRAND NEW HEAVIES BACK IN BELGRADE The Brand New He- avies will hold two concerts at Belgra- de’s Bitefartcafe on 29 th and 30 th October, as part of the Musi- cology Barcaè Se- ssions concert se- ries. Get ready for a torrent of fanta- stic experiences and enjoy their unique and sophisticated acid jazz sound. THIRD CGA BELGRADE CONFERENCE SET FOR ST ND NOVEMBER As a joint endeavour between the Serbia Film Commission, Crater VFX Tra- ining Centre and portal VFX

THE BRAND NEW HEAVIES PONOVO U BEOGRADU The Brand New Heavies održaće dva koncerta u beogradskom klubu Bitefar- tcafe, u okviru koncertnog serijala Musicology Barcaffè Sessions, 29. i 30. okto- bra ove godine. Pripremite se za bujicu fantastičnih doživljaja i uživajte u jedin- stvenom i sofisticiranom esid džez zvuku.


Beograd postaje epicentar kom- pjuterske grafike, vizuelnih efeka- ta, animacije i digitalne umetnosti u okviru CGA Belgrade konferenci- je, koju treću godinu zaredom or- ganizuju Srpska filmska asocijaci- ja, Crater VFX trening centar i Portal VFX Srbija. CGA okuplja istaknute pro- fesionalce iz industrije, pozicionirajući se kao regionalni CG hub na globalnom nivou. Od 1. oktobra besplatne regi- stracije na cgabelgrade.com.

Serbia, CGA Belgrade is growing to become a compelling platform for showcasing state-of-the-art CGI development by bringing to- gether the most prominent names in the elds of computer grap- hics, visual eects, animation and digital arts, thus further posi- tioning Serbia as the regional CG hub. Free registrations will be available from 1 st October at cgabelgrade.com

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