A ir Serbia commemorated the start of its sev- enth year of operations with its largest pro- motional campaign to date, oering 250,000 economy-class seats to as many as 35 popu- lar destinations under extremely attractive prices. Sales of these promotional tickets were completed during the course of the past month, with the tickets valid for direct ights taking o from 1st November 2019 with return ights until 31st March 2020. In an eort to meet travellers’individual wishes and needs, and to improve its oer, Air Serbia oered dis- counts on one-way and return tickets under Standard and Light fares – with and without luggage respective- ly. Serbia’s national carrier strove to ensure the choice of destinations was as wide as possible, which is why most of the destinations served by the airline were en- compassed in this promotional campaign. “We are delighted to be able to reward travellers for their years of loyalty and trust. As always, our goal is to oer our standard good service at the best pric- es,” said Air Serbia Commercial and Strategy Director Jirzi Marek. Marek stressed that the current oer ena- bles the wish lists of our passengers, which include a large number of destinations in Europe and the Med- iterranean, to be incomparably closer and more eas- ily accessible. The campaign attracted so much interest that its the seven-day duration was extended by another sev- en days in September, with the continuation of the pro- motion marked by a special activity organised at Bel- grade’s Delta City shopping centre, where youngsters and their parents were able to compete and win val- uable ight tickets. “We wanted to meet the needs of everyone who didn’t manage to buy cheap tickets in the rst seven days. The great interest is conrmation that this cam- paign was implemented at the right juncture and that travellers, but also the company, can be very satised. The impatience with which the market awaits cam- paigns of this kind has been shown once again, and we’re delighted to have been able to always oer more,” said Marek on this occasion.
U lazak u sedmu godinu po- slovanja Er Srbija obeleži- la je do sada najvećom pro- motivnom akcijom, tokom koje je ponuđeno 250.000 sedišta u ekonomskoj klasi do čak 35 popular- nih destinacija po izuzetno atraktiv- nim cenama. Prodaja promotivnih avio-karte završena je tokom prote- klog meseca, a karte važe za direktne letove od 1. novembra 2019. sa povrat- kom do 31. marta 2020. godine. Kako bi izašla u susret individu- alnim željama i potrebama putnika i unapredila svoju ponudu, Er Srbija je ponudila popuste za povratne i karte u jednom pravcu, u Standard i Light tarifama, odnosno sa prtljagom i bez njega. Nacionalni avio-prevoznik po- trudio se da izbor destinacija bude što veći, pa je promotivnom kampanjom obuhvaćena većina destinacija do ko- jih kompanija leti. “Veoma nas raduje što smo u pri- lici da nagradimo putnike za godine odanosti i poverenja. Kao i uvek, cilj nam je da ponudimo našu standardno
dobru uslugu po najboljim cenama”, izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za ko- mercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije . Marek je naglasio da aktuelna ponuda omo- gućava da liste želja naših putnika, na kojima je veliki broj destinacija u Evro- pi i na Mediteranu, budu neuporedivo bliže i lakše dostupne. Akcija je naišla na toliko intereso- vanje da je sedmodnevno trajanje pro- duženo za još sedam dana u septem- bru, a nastavak promocije obeležen je posebnom akcijom u TC Delta siti u Beogradu, gde su mališani, ali i njiho- vi roditelji, biti u prilici da se takmiče i osvoje vredne avio-karte. „Želeli smo da izađemo u susret svima koji u prvih sedam dana nisu us- peli da kupe povoljne karte. Veliko in- teresovanje je potvrda da je akcija reali- zovana u pravom trenutku i da putnici, ali i kompanija, mogu da budu veoma zadovoljni. Još jednom se pokazalo sa kolikim nestrpljenjem tržište očekuje akcije tog tipa i raduje nas što smo bi- li u prilici da ponudimo više“, izjavio je tom prilikom Jirži Marek.
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