The festival is organised by the Contemporary Balkan Art platform and aims to promote contemporary directors, photographers and creative individuals from Southeast Europe „Contemporary Balkan Art“ sa ciljem promocije savremenih reditelja, fotografa i kreativaca iz jugoistočne Evrope Festival organizuje platforma
F or the second consecutive year, the Southeast European Future Festival (SEFF), which is held at the Rich Mix community arts hub in London, presented a selection of prom- inent artists from the region, with a particular focus on documentary lm and wom- en’s documentary photography. The festival is organised by the Contemporary Bal- kan Art platform and aims to promote contemporary directors, photographers and creative individuals from Southeast Europe. The festival enabled visitor to the Mezzanine Gallery in the Shoreditch district of East London to check out the exhibition Perspectives: Photography Storytelling. The works of 15 eminent photographers – including Boryana Katsarova, Sanja Knežević, Glorija Lizde, Lazara Marinković, Mia Novakova, Senja Vild and Marcella Zanki – testify to the notion that photography can serve as a great driver. Issues of identity and hu- man nature are contextualised through fashion and theatre photography, as well as landscape scenes and photojournalism. In terms of the selection of works, participants were expected to present personal stories characterised by a strong documentary mo- tif, thus providing something that could carry viewers and convey them to the ambi- ence of the photographic world. The idea was to bring the reality of life in the Balkans closer to the average Londoner. The documentary approach was completed with the screening of lms such as IKEA for YU by Croatian director Marija Ratković Vidaković and Occupied Cinema by Belgrade-based Senka Domanović, who was the winner of the main award at the March Festival. The continu- ation of the programme saw the audience attend a panel discussion entitled‘What isYugosla- via to you?’, which included the participation of writers Vesna Goldsworthy and Olivia Sudjic, director Marija Ratković Vidaković and University of Glasgow professor Vladimir Unkovski-Ko- rica. The panellists agreed that we primarily form our ideas of Yugoslavia based on the stories of our parents, but the question is what we really want to convey of that to our descendants. The panellists also touched on dierent layers of identity, with writer Goldsworthy saying that she is both Serbian and Yugoslav, as well as British. As she explained, during family din- ners she always comes across dierent characters who have contrasting political understand- ings, which lead to her having at least two dierent opinions in her mind at the same time! The evening hours saw the screening of Mladena Matičević’s lm Heavenly Theme, about the life and works of Yugoslav golden boy Vlada Divljan, with the lm simultaneously enter- taining, delighting and saddening the audience. The following day saw visitors to Rich Mix watched American director Robert Adanto’s lm Born Just Now, about Serbian performance artist Marta Jovanović. It emphasises the importance of emphasising the stories we care about and can identify with, whether that’s the story of Granny Skojevka Minki, who does not re- nounce Tito, the fascinating photographs of the Kolo Ensemble, feminism, or refugee stories. The panel discussion was followed by a screening of the lm Goli [Naked] by Croatian director Tiha Gudac – respresenting an emotional family story about the lives and destinies of a group of people from Goli Otok [Naked Island], the Yugoslav island prison for political dissidents. The SEFF culminated with a screening of Honeyland, co-directed by Tamara Kotevs- ka and Ljubomir Stefanov. This lm follows the tough life of a woman in North Macedo- nia who makes honey according to ancient methods. The festival ended with a thunderous round of applause, while the magical energy created around the high-quality and talented world at Rich Mix certainly represents an additional incentive to start working on the pro- gramme for next spring. Those heading to London this autumn and winter will have an opportunity to enjoy great exhibitions, two of which – at the old and new Tate – stand out. While the rst is about William Blake, the wonderful creator of horror, the second exhibition is by Danish-Icelan- dic artist Olafur Eliasson, who creates an artistic ‘space’ in which his installations and sculp- tures impact on all of our senses. It’s nice to travel to dierent worlds. See you in London.
Golog otoka.
SEFF je zatvorio Honeyland u režiji Tamare Kotevske i Ljubomira Stefanova. Ovaj film prati nimalo lak život žene koja starinskim metodama pravi med u Severnoj Makedoniji. Fe- stival je završen burnim aplauzom i magična energija koja se stvorila oko kvalitetnog i talentovanog sveta u Rich Mixu svakako predstavlja do- datni podsticaj da počnemo rad na programu za sledeće proleće. Oni ko- ji se ove jeseni i zime zapute u Lon- don imaće priliku da uživaju u sjaj- nim izložbama, od kojih se izdvajaju dve, jedna u starom, a druga u no- vom Tejtu. Prva je o Vilijamu Blej- ku, čudotvorcu lepote užasa, a druga je izložba dansko-islandskog umet- nika Olafura Elijasona, koji stvara umetnički prostor u kojem njegove instalacije i skulpture utiču na sva naša čula. Lepo je putovati u različi- te svetove. Vidimo se u Londonu.
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