the Batman world – unlike any of the oth- ers, everything is completely realistic, imag- inable, intimate and emotionally exhaust- ing. Just recall the legendary scene in which the Joker gives ordinary people on a ferry the choice of blowing up another ferry in order to save themselves. The second fer- ry is occupied by“worthless”prisoners, and the clock is ticking the whole time. Thus, the point here is not to save the entire planet, but to save a handful of people who rep- resent it. The Joker merely set the scene. Many other actors had appeared by the famous graphite mask prior to this in- carnation. Michael Keaton proved“satisfy- ing” to tastes in two lms, but didn’t de- light audiences. Jack Nicholson elevated the role of the Joker to a challenge that ac- tors compare to playing Hamlet. However, it was clear at every moment that the main actor was too much of a playboy and too wealthy... Batman Forever brought togeth- er an unbelievable cast of actors, but was still a major “op”. Val Kilmer failed miser- ably to ll the suit of the Caped Crusader. He was followed by another failed attempt with George Clooney, whose role is best seen when his behind is to the fore. Name- ly, that’s all you see for a full three seconds on a big screen of over 20 metres. Okay, let’s just say that scene was for the female au- dience and aimed at opening up the sto- ry to new viewers. And while we wait to see what Rob- ert Pattinson will bring to the role of Bat- man in 2021, we are left to enjoy the purple and green that are being presented to the world this October, with the crazed smile of a clown. If any villain ever deserved his own lm, then there’s no doubt that he’s the one. It’s time for the Joker!
ljudi koji je predstavljaju. Džoker je samo postavio scenu. Pre ovog ostvarenja ispod maske od grafita nalazili su se mnogi glumci. Majkl Kiton je u dva filma zadovoljio ukuse, ali ne i oduševio. Džek Nikol- son je podigao ulogu Džokera do iza- zova koji glumci porede sa igranjem Hamleta. Ipak, u svakom momentu je bilo jasno da je glavni akter previše plejboj i previše bogat... Betmen za- uvek je okupio neverovatnu glumač- ku ekipu, ali je uprkos tome bio oz- biljan „flop“. Val Kilmer nikako nije uspeo da ispuni odelo čoveka šišmi- ša. Nakon njega sledi još i promašaj sa Džordžom Klunijem, čija se uloga najbolje vidi kada je njegova pozadi- na u prvom planu. Dakle, na ekranu većem od 20 metara na tri sekunde vidite samo to. OK, recimo da je to bi- lo za ženski deo publike i otvaranje priče ka novim gledaocima. Dok čekamo da vidimo šta će nam doneti Betmen Roberta Patin- sona 2021. godine, ostaje da uživamo u ljubičasto-zelenim tonovima koji se ovog oktobra objavljuju svetu uz lu- dački, klovnovski osmeh. Ako je ne- ki negativac zaslužio da dobije film, onda je to on, bez dileme. Vreme je za Džokera!
under any circumstances, cutting himself o from contact with people, complete- ly immersing himself in the role, and he was soon completely overwhelmed by the manic personality of the Joker. He asked Bale to really hit him during the shoot- ing of scenes (and he’s said to have been covered in bruises after shooting), and his great sacrice didn’t go unnoticed. He re- ceived a posthumous Oscar, which set a precedent in the history of the Academy Awards, as he died from a drug overdose prior to the lm’s release. The search for the true expression of this story was a long one, and nobody truly succeeded in recounting it prior to Bale and Nolan. Nobody managed to show the strug- gles of a vulnerable millionaire and playboy who has great problems with himself (not to mention with the world!), his past and fu- ture; nobody previously managed to portray this hero realistically, as if he were of esh and blood. Because this is the mainstay of
Hoakim nije dobio Lava u Veneciji, ali kažu da bi lako mogao da dobije Oskara Joaquin didn’t get a Lion in Venice, but it’s predicted that he could easily win an Oscar
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